Linguistic Horizons
Linguistic Horizons was founded by Nicole Berry. Nicole majored in International Business at San Diego State University, where she became passionate about learning foreign languages and international travel.
Linguistic Horizons was founded by Nicole Berry. Nicole majored in International Business at San Diego State University, where she became passionate about learning foreign languages and international travel. During the summer of 2005, Nicole studied Spanish with a large group of American students in Madrid. Two years later, she spent a year studying business in A Coruña, Spain alongside local Spanish students.
While living in A Coruña she rapidly improved her Spanish skills. There were only two other Americans studying in the city. Unlike in Madrid, the locals generally didn’t speak English. She found daily immersion in the language to be a highly effective learning method. Like many US students, Nicole started learning Spanish as a high school freshman. Today she is fully fluent, thanks in large part to her time in A Coruña, Spain. Since Nicole’s return home in 2008, she knew she wanted to create immersive programs abroad to help others improve their foreign language skills. As a result, in 2013, Linguistic Horizons was born.
- Walnut
340 S Lemon Ave. #3533, 91789, Walnut
- Cusco
Calle La Cantuta 209
- A Coruña
A Coruña, Spain