Master's Degree in Advanced Public Management
Barcelona, Spain
1 up to 1 Years
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EUR 28 / per credit *
* 27.67 euros per credit (82 euros for students who are not EU nationals and do not currently reside in Spain). Fees for the academic year 2024-2025
Key Summary
The master's degree in Advanced Public Management has been taught at the UB since September 2009 and currently incorporates several new features.
The degree is designed to provide specialist training in public administration and management techniques, and to give students the specific and cross-disciplinary profile they will need to conduct complex tasks as senior civil servants in government offices and the public sector in general, or in organizations associated with the public sector.
Having offered studies in Public Administration and Management since the academic year 1991/1992, the University of Barcelona has extensive experience in this area, which contributes greatly to the success of its postgraduate course offerings. The requirements for the course are covered by highly accomplished teachers with close ties to the professional environment and extensive experience of collaborative work with various areas of public administration.
The languages of instruction for this program are Spanish 10%; Catalan 90%.
The aim of the course is to help students develop expertise in four areas of management: legal and administrative management, financial management, human resource management and public policy management.
Students must gain in-depth knowledge of each of these areas, the applicable legal frameworks and management tools, and current challenges facing management. This will provide an overall understanding of the different dimensions to government activity and the public sector as a whole, and the ability to tackle their functions and objectives from a management point of view.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduates will be prepared for civil service positions in the public administration and for contract positions in the range of organisations and bodies that make up the public sector. Above all, the degree prepares students for management and executive roles, particularly in areas with responsibilities for legal and administrative management, economic and financial management, and human resources management.
The current situation of the public sector is such that far-reaching changes can be envisaged both in terms of size and with regard to its composition. Therefore, the master's degree is of particular interest to those already employed in the public sector, as well as those looking to begin their careers, all of whom will benefit from the knowledge and skills needed to address the evolving nature of the public sector and the changes in employment structures across the public administrations.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.