Master's Degree in Advanced Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 23,052 / per year **
* registration from January onwards
** price for the first year
Key Summary
The Faculty of Dentistry at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya feels that it is necessary to offer the dental profession a Master’s Degree in Advanced Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry.
Our university would also like students to receive education on a further level, with clear knowledge of dental research in the field of dentistry. This master's programme will therefore provide:
- Scientific training and surgical expertise in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry.
- An understanding of new materials and technologies related to aesthetic restorative dentistry.
- Training in research methods.
Ideal Students
Any candidates who meet the general requirements for access to the degree may apply for admission. The admission profile of suitable candidates is as follows:
- A degree in Dentistry, or a degree in Medicine specialising in Dentistry.
- Holders of a degree from education institutions outside the European Area of Higher Education, without their degrees being officially approved if the University deems that the applicant has received an education that is equivalent to official Spanish university degrees in Dentistry or Medicine specialising in Dentistry, and that provides access to postgraduate learning in the country that issued the degree.
- B1 English language level according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
- Interest in science and research.
- Quick decision-making skills.
- Empathy.
- A responsible character and sensitivity to other people's pain.
- The ability to work well in a team.
Dentistry is one of the Health Sciences and, as such, the professionals who practice in this field must be trained to prevent, diagnose and treat the different oral diseases suffered by their patients. They also need to take into account the characteristics and needs of the society in which their practice is based.
Restorative Dentistry is the branch of Dentistry that is responsible for treating occlusal-masticatory function and anatomy, speech and aesthetics related to the stomatognathic system. All of these issues are caused by caries, periodontal disease or trauma, and are treated with dental prosthetics or adhesive dentistry procedures. The incorporation of techniques involving dental adhesion and dental hard tissues has had a significant impact on dentistry. In terms of human prosthetics, a dental prosthesis is a procedure that artificially restores the absence of one, several or even all of the teeth and their adjacent tissues. Dental therapeutics, in traditional terms, refers to restoring areas of the mouth without affecting the teeth as a whole. Procedures relating to adhesive dentistry, dental therapeutics and dental prosthetics consist of using several types of materials that adhere to dental hard tissues (enamel or dentine). Once they have bonded to the tooth surface, the materials and tooth behave as a single unit. Thanks to new adhesion techniques and new dental materials, over the last few years the term Restorative Dentistry has emerged in the dental profession in Europe and the United States of America, as a meeting point between two prosthetics and dental therapeutics, two areas that were initially different and now share the same goals and therapeutics.
Restorative dentistry is a broad subject, and all the knowledge involved in a Dentistry degree is required to understand it fully. It also requires a mastery of many specific techniques involved in both diagnosis and restorative treatment. These techniques mean oral rehabilitation is more comfortable for the patient and ensure a good long-term prognosis. The concept of restorative dentistry is currently integrated within the broad context of the patient as a functional unit who requires integral and multidisciplinary treatment, one facet of which is restorative treatment.
The following are the skills that students of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Restorative Aesthetic Dentistry will have acquired by the end of the Master's programme:
Basic skills
- To have a clear understanding of knowledge that provides a base level or opportunity to develop and/or apply ideas in an original way, often within the context of research.
- Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired and have the ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
- Students should be able to integrate their knowledge so that they can deal with the complexity involved in making judgements based on information that may be incomplete or limited, and may therefore require considerations of the social and ethical responsibilities involved in applying knowledge or judgement.
- Students should be able to communicate their conclusions in a clear and unambiguous way, as well as the resulting knowledge and reasoning that supports them, so that they can be understood by both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
- Students should have the learning skills required to help them continue studying in a way that will allow them to be broadly self-directed and autonomous.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.