29 Degrees in Social Sciences in Finland for 2024

Degrees in Social Sciences in Finland for 2024Filter
    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    5 years



    Cities are inspiring arenas for business, culture, and everyday life. However, they face complex challenges related to the environment and the well-being of individuals. Bachelor's Degree Programme in Sustainable Urban Development is a multidisciplinary program developing skills needed to address these challenges. Those focusing on the Social Sciences field will understand the purpose and societal significance of social research. They will also be familiar with key theories and concepts in social sciences. Those focusing on the Social Sciences field will understand the purpose and societal significance of social research. They will also be familiar with key theories and concepts in social sciences.

  • Bachelor in Social Sciences

    University of Eastern Finland

    • Joensuu, Finland

    Full time

    3 years

    Distance Learning


    Improve your understanding of the rapidly changing world. Social scientists examine the dynamics of societal change and seek answers to questions such as what creates wellbeing or a lack of it, what causes alienation, what is happening in education and the labor market, and what is the role of culture in shaping our relationships with each other. The Bachelor of Social Sciences degree consists of studies in sociology and social and public policy. Teaching covers key social scientific theories and methods for collecting and analyzing data. These are applied to key topics in social sciences, such as labor, education, care, multiculturalism, and information and communication technology, and how they interlink with each other.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    5 years



    During studies we will focus on the topical and pressing challenge of how to build socially sustainable societies. This future-oriented, programme offers you a unique deep dive into both social sciences and health sciences. If you are interested in policies and institutions that generate health, and wellbeing for all – this could be just the right choice for you!

    • Lappeenranta, Finland
    • Mikkeli, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    Social sciences studies provide you with diverse skills and knowledge about human behaviour in digital environments with intelligent technologies. LUT’s social scientists will solve challenges of the digitalised future at the interface between people and technology. Social sciences studies provide you with diverse skills and knowledge about human behaviour in digital environments with intelligent technologies.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    A joint approach by two European universities to contemporary societies and social issues. Comparative Social Policy and Welfare (COSOPO) provides an interdisciplinary approach to contemporary societies in Europe and facilitates understanding social policy and welfare issues in global, national, and local contexts. In this program, you are able to develop skills for understanding and analyzing the development of societies and for engaging with sustainable welfare and policy solutions.

  • Bachelor of Social Services, Early Childhood Education

    Turku University of Applied Sciences

    • Salo, Finland

    Full time

    4 years



    The Bachelor’s degree in Social Services provides students with extensive abilities to work as social service professionals in social services and early childhood education, as well as in various roles in counselling, education, planning and development in health and wellness services.

    • Turku, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    In the midst of today’s rapidly evolving societies, the number of people suffering from a combination of poverty, deprivation of legal rights, and cultural as well as social isolation is proving to be a growing global issue. This phenomenon, known as ‘social exclusion’, is a complex condition that extends beyond economic disadvantage and poverty. It is a multifaceted process through which people lose political, legal, and social agency, resulting in stigmatisation or discrimination.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    Interdisciplinary approaches to conflict transformation, conflict resolution, and sustainable peace in local, international, and global contexts. Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research (PEACE) provides a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to peace and conflict research. The program was ranked as a Top 10 degree in conflict resolution and peacebuilding by the Peacekeeper in 2017.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    We believe that accessibility should be a norm and this program caters to the increasing need of accessibility professionals in both public and private sectors. The Accessibility and Diversity in Digital Services studies equip students to design, develop, and implement accessible digital services and environments for both the public and private sectors. The studies do not settle for just web accessibility education but aim to consider various societal domains such as culture, media, and game accessibility, as well as the accessibility of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    The program enables the development of the kind of knowledge and expertise that is needed to lead and analyze complex change processes. It responds to the need for new kinds of leadership skills, which are in demand at local, national, international, and global levels.

    • Jyväskylän yliopisto, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    The programme prepares students for careers involving significant intercultural contact. Globalization and the growing importance of communication and collaboration guarantee a demand for experts looking into issues of language, globalization and intercultural communication.

    • Helsinki, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master's Programme in Intercultural Encounters (ICE) is a genuinely interdisciplinary programme where you can enhance your thinking and grow your expertise in cultural understanding. ICE gives you the tools to succeed in internationally-oriented professional life. In addition, you will learn theoretical thinking and practical research skills.

  • Master in Contemporary Societies

    University of Helsinki

    • Helsinki, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    As societies become increasingly diverse, change rapidly, and are confronted with inequalities, there is a growing need for professionals trained in the analysis of these dynamics. To become an expert in the analysis of contemporary societies, choose the Master's Programme in Contemporary Societies (COS).

    • Turku, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master's Degree Programme in East Asian Studies (EAST) gives you a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the dynamic societies of contemporary East Asia.

    • Helsinki, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    Our master's program in Governance and Commercial Law helps you to develop all the necessary skills for supporting business development. Our master's program in Governance and Commercial Law offers you a comprehensive view of how to ensure financing and manage assets in global financial markets. It also teaches you how international accounting practices and regulations help secure sustainable business practices and continued trust from stakeholders.