2 Degrees in Business Studies Sales in Portugal for 2024

Degrees in Business Studies Sales in Portugal for 2024Filter
    • Porto, Portugal

    Part time

    56 hours



    This course combines a theoretical framework with a dominant practical component for the central theme of Neuroscience Applied to Consumption, thus allowing each student to identify the potential of behavioral analysis, psychophysiological and electrophysiological data, applied to the context of consumption or interaction with individuals of consumption. The course comes with a dynamic and innovative engine to be integrated into existing practices in companies, and combined with more traditional market studies, the course content will be complementary and will motivate structural changes in companies and partners. It aims to show participants the importance of applying neuroscience in the context of business strategy, product creation, pricing strategy, distribution and communication. With this course, trainees will change their state of mind regarding the strategic interventions to be applied in companies, they will understand the importance of identifying and reacting to stimuli, and then adapt and create products, campaigns, prices, websites or packaging capable of involving your customers.

    • Lisbon, Portugal
    • Porto, Portugal

    Part time

    10 months

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    This program highlights a whole set of strategic and operational dimensions that, when put into practice correctly, constitute an adequate support to a response to highly competitive and increasingly demanding markets.