24 programs found
- PhD
- South America
24 programs found
FGV EBAPE - Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration
MSc & PhD in Administration
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
PhD, MSc
Full time
21 months
The Academic Graduate Studies in Administration Program at FGV EBAPE consists of the MSc and PhD in Administration. Closely connected, these courses share the same values and principles. The main purpose of the MSc program is to prepare students for PhDs (at FGV EBAPE or some other distinguished institution in Brazil or elsewhere in the world) or for the job market. The main purpose of the Ph.D. program is to prepare students for academic careers as research professors at universities or other academic institutions in Brazil or abroad.
Texila American University
PhD in Information Technology
- Georgetown, Guyana
Full time
3 years
Our PhD in Information Technology is a research-based degree that equips you to reach the higher echelons of authority in the challenging IT industry. The research scholar can explore a number of leadership positions in major IT organizations, research cells, educational institutions, consulting companies and more.
National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires
PhD in Archeology
- Tandil, Argentina
The degree will be structured according to the axes: one core with common nuclear courses and the other with elective courses. Regarding its duration, they may be four-monthly or intensive (from one week to one month in duration), having to meet in both cases a minimum amount of 30 clock hours. Each doctoral course will give one (1) credit for every ten (10) actual hours taught, with reading requirements and other corresponding tasks, and provided that there has been a favorable final evaluation by the teacher who taught the course.
Universidad De La Serena
PhD in Astronomy
- La Serena, Chile
The purpose of the Doctoral Program in Astronomy is to train high-level scientists, who are capable of developing original and independent research in astronomy, built on a solid conceptual base, using both the infrastructure available in the north of Chile, as well as facilities. in order to strengthen the scientific development of the country.
University Of Talca
PhD in Psychology
- Curico, Chile
It is expected that the applicant who enters the Doctorate in Psychology shows academic excellence, either because of their graduation ranking, research experience, teaching, participation in research projects, postgraduate studies, or others. The expected initial competencies are: Possess initial practical theoretical knowledge in research methodology and descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Being able to propose relationships between variables associated with psychological processes. Have initial experience in teaching or research activities.
University of Antioquia
PhD in Philosophy
- Medellín, Colombia
Training purposes: To train in the production and development of philosophical reflection to researchers of the highest level with criteria of academic excellence, leaders for their community, committed to the needs and problems of Colombian society. This mission supposes the permanent construction of an academic space in which the necessary resources and support can be channelled that contribute to the strengthening of the scientific-philosophical community in our country.
Universidad Argentina de la Empresa
PhD in Economics (DOECO)
- Monserrat, Argentina
The well-being of society depends on the application of adequate economic policies, both at the level of individual agents and of macroeconomic policy makers. Although there are established prescriptions and methods in the field of economics, many questions remain about the relevance of actions at both the micro and macroeconomic levels.
Santo Tomas University
PhD in Conservation and Management of Biodiversity
- Santiago, Chile
To train independent researchers with solid knowledge in biological conservation and biodiversity management, who integrate scientific knowledge with a transdisciplinary vision for the resolution of environmental problems, contributing to sustainable development.
University of Concepción del Uruguay (Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay (UCU))
- Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina
Postgraduate course developed jointly by the Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay (UCU), the Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI) and the Universidad de Flores (UFLO). Provisional official recognition of CONEAU IF-2017-10326245-APN-CONEAU # ME
Heidelberg Center Latin America
Internationaler Doktortitel in Psychotherapie
- Providencia, Chile
The Doctorate in Psychotherapy is a program that is developed jointly between the School of Psychology and the Department of Psychiatry of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Department of Psychology and the Departments of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the University of Chile. It is built on an interdisciplinary research field that arises from an international network of psychotherapy researchers, bringing together specialists in psychotherapeutic research, psychology, psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and neurosciences.
University Of Moron - Universidad De Morón
- Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
You choose a University with a solid academic trajectory, and a strong and recognized social commitment. You study with the best teaching platform in the world - Blackboard. You have classrooms with smart screens. You have the Microsoft Office Suite for free. You have internships in more than 500 top-level companies. You can access to study abroad. You choose from more than 70 undergraduate degrees. You use laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. If you still owe intermediate level subjects, you can register as an aspiring student, and at the time of presenting the certificate of Title in Process your condition will change to Regular Student. You need to know that National Law 24,521 (on Higher Education, in its article 7) allows all those people who, being over 25 years of age, do not have complete secondary studies and wish to pursue a career, enter the University. For this, the Higher School in which the career you choose is taught, prior to entry, will take an evaluation, to establish if you have the preparation or work experience in accordance with the studies you intend to start, as well as sufficient skills and knowledge to that you study satisfactorily.
Universidad Nacional De San Juan (National University of San Juan)
- San Juan, Argentina
The purpose of the Doctorate in Astronomy is the higher academic training of university graduates and the obtaining of original contributions in the astronomical area within a framework of academic excellence. The career will depend academically on the Postgraduate Department of the Faculty of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences with the execution of the program through the Department of Geophysics and Astronomy and the unit linked to the area of Astronomy (Astronomy Observatory Félix Aguilar-OAFA) and those that they are linked in a timely manner.
Universidad Nacional De San Juan (National University of San Juan)
- San Juan, Argentina
The graduate of the Doctorate in Electrical Engineering program has comprehensive academic training that allows them to independently conceive, formulate, plan and execute research and development projects in the field of electrical engineering.
UNJu Universidad Nacional De Jujuy
Doctorate in Natural and Environmental Sciences
- Jujuy, Argentina
The objective of the Doctorate in Natural and Environmental Sciences is the academic training of excellence of graduates, with a strong commitment to the regional, national and international reality where they are inserted. The Doctorate explicitly integrates the aspects of Natural and Environmental Sciences and is positioned as an integrating postgraduate, especially of the various undergraduate disciplines taught at UNJu and in the region, providing an interdisciplinary vision, focused on the demands of a quality academic and professional training. The program brings together a competent, recognized, and diverse academic body, and calls for doctoral students of diverse backgrounds and backgrounds, capable of expressing an innovative and solid vision of the scientific topics addressed.
National University Villa Maria
- Villa María, Argentina
This doctorate is based on the concept of pedagogy, a singular and specific discipline of the complex and broad knowledge that refers both to the theoretical body of education, organizing concepts, principles, and criteria as well as procedures and technical-operational means at the service of the teaching-learning process in the concrete action to educate. It is a postgraduate training process that will culminate in the preparation and public defense of a doctoral thesis.
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PhD Degrees in South America
Spanning many countries and island territories, South America is home to many Spanish-speaking countries. Here, students can literally walk through history on their way to class and soak up the culture of ancient societies.
Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.