28 programs in Lithuania
- PhD
- Lithuania
28 programs in Lithuania
Lithuanian Sports University
PhD in Natural Sciences: Biology
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Joint LSU and UT Ph.D. study in Biology consolidated research in the area of Biology, and they ensure more integrated and substantial investigations of scientific problems in biology.
Vytautas Magnus University
PhD studies in Education
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time, Part time
Applicants to doctoral studies in the Education Science field are admitted through an open competition according to the chosen dissertation topic separately to each doctoral institution that has been granted the joint right of doctoral studies. Applicants can apply to no more than two different dissertation topics.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in History and Theory of Arts
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
The study program in theory and critics of arts is realized within interdisciplinary context with focus on three areas: theory and history of architecture, musicology. Programme‘s doctoral students are encouraged to apply various theoretical models and methodological tools of humanities, social and technological sciences besides the classical methods of the critics of arts using both internal scientific resources of Kaunas University of Technology and those of their international partners. Graduates of various university studies are accepted to the doctoral programme with regard to their scientific experience within the selected topic.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Measurement Engineering
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
It is the main PhD study programme in Lithuania directly related to knowledge of creation of high added-value solutions for various sectors of industry: aerospace, water, ground and air transport, renewable and nuclear energy. The accounting of such strategic energy resources, as oil, gas, electricity, etc. depends on measurable quantities.
Vytautas Magnus University - PhD Programmes
PhD studies in Communication and Information
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time, Part time
4 years
The PhD studies in Communication and Information organized at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in Kaunas (Lithuania) aims to address the pressing issues in the contemporary and dynamically evolving field of media and communications, which is shaped by politico-economic, sociocultural, and technological factors, and explores media-infused societal transformations and communicative impact on individual, groups, and social dimensions.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Political Sciences
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University, Klaipėda University, General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania (coordinating institution: Vytautas Magnus University).
Vytautas Magnus University
PhD studies in Communication and Information
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time, Part time
4 years
The Doctoral Program in Communication and Information Studies organized at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) in Kaunas (Lithuania) aims to address the pressing issues in the contemporary and dynamically evolving field of media and communications, which is shaped by politico-economic, socio-cultural, and technologic factors, and explores media infused societal transformations and communicative impact on individual, groups, and social dimensions.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Environmental Engineering
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
PhD programme in Environment Engineering is designed to enable students become first-rate interdisciplinary researchers and acquire the knowledge and skills to succeed in both academic and non-academic career. Students of this programme have a possibility to acquire a double PhD degree, because of the contract with the University of Bologna (Italy).
Kaunas University of Technology
International PhD Summer School
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
1 week
PhD Summer School focuses on development of key competences required for achieving best results in successful defense of the doctoral dissertation and identifying further research directions. Therefore topics of our PhD Summer Schools include: management of scientific research data, writing of scientific articles, analysis of the subtleties of project management, research integrity and ethics, intellectual property and patent system, communication skills development, etc.
Vytautas Magnus University - PhD Programmes
PhD studies in Agronomy
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time, Part time
4 years
PhD studies at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) open up unique possibilities for academic research and studies, which contribute to the development of a future generation of highly qualified specialists. Graduates of doctoral studies at VMU are capable of solving hot-button issues of Lithuanian, European, and global science, conducting independent scientific research, and experimental (social, cultural) development.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD Informatics Engineering
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Informatics Engineering is a branch of computer science, focused on effective solution of practical computation and information processing problems with application of scientific knowledge. This programme of doctoral studies aims to prepare future scientific leaders in the scientific field of Informatics Engineering. Each doctoral student who aims to acquire doctoral degree has to complete doctoral studies in the scope of 30 credits, conduct original scientific research in the scientific field of Informatics Engineering and develop new scientific knowledge, present the results of his/her scientific research in national and international scientific conferences and scientific journals, write and orally defend his/her doctoral dissertation. Programme provides doctoral students with a possibility to complete one study module at the foreign academic institution or participate in summer camp for doctoral students organised abroad and actively conduct the most advanced scientific research at the integrated centre of science, entrepreneurship and studies of Santaka valley since the first day of their studies. Awarded doctoral degree proves that doctoral student acquired a deep academic education and is able to conduct original scientific research in the field of Informatics Engineering.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Economics
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
English, Lithuanian
The program aims to train talented economists able to contribute to the latest scientific research of economics, create new knowledge and apply it in practice; to prepare top professionals in the area, who are ready for academic and professional careers in leading research institutions of the world.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Physics
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
The objective of doctoral studies in Physics is the development of highly qualified researchers in the field of physics, who are able to conduct scientific research for solutions to critical problems. This joint doctoral program provides doctoral students with competencies and knowledge in the areas of condensed matter, the interaction of radiation and matter, optical spectroscopy; the program offers a wide range of topics and general experimental and theoretical research in the areas of meso, micro, and nanostructures, photonic structures, including their formation, analysis and application in plasmonics, biosensors and alternative energy.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Chemistry
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
The objective of the doctoral study program in chemistry is to train doctors of science, who are ready for a research career, able to work as scientists and educators. The program aims to expand their knowledge in chemistry and related fields, at the same time developing their skills of critical thinking, creativity, training their ability to seek original and independent solutions.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Informatics
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
The aim of doctoral studies in Informatics is to educate scientists capable to develop and creatively apply the methods of information technology for creation and analysis of the mathematical models of real-world objects and systems aiming to find solutions to important scientific and practical problems.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Education
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Joint doctoral studies with the Lithuanian Sports University, Šiauliai University (from 2021 – Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy). Coordinating institution: Lithuanian Sports University.
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Sociology
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Joint doctoral studies with Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian Social Research Centre (coordinating institution: Vytautas Magnus University).
Kaunas University of Technology
PhD in Architecture
- Kaunas, Lithuania
Full time
4 years
Joint doctoral studies with Vilnius Academy of Arts.
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PhD Degrees in Lithuania
The Republic of Lithuania is the official name of the country. It is found in Northern part of Europe. Lithuania appreciates science and technology in their education system highly. It has the basic aspects of primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. Lithuania is another leading country in the provision of arts, science, engineering as well as technological courses. Lithuania has faced several challenges in higher education the last years that led to the creation of 20 universities to enhance its accessibility.
Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.