346 programs found
- PhD
- Distance Learning
346 programs found
American International Theism University
Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies
- Englewood, USA
Full time, Part time
1 year
Distance Learning, On-Campus
International conflicts, especially those that stem from the clash of civilizations, are due to the ideology or way of thinking that controls the minds of the decision-makers who imagine that the world should proceed within the framework of the clash of civilizations.
College of Engineering at Texas A&M University
Online Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering
Full time
64 hours
Distance Learning
The Online Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering is a research degree awarded to students after the exhibition of significant and valuable contributions in a specific field of petroleum engineering. This degree is designed for professionals aiming to become leaders and innovators in the energy sector.
Breyer State Theology University
Ethereal Doctor of Psychology in Grief Counseling
- Online
Full time
1 year
Distance Learning
BSTU offers 6 Ethereal Programs in Business and Grief only. Old programs have been discontinued. Our educational programs prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Executive Leadership
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. Students who undertake this PhD program will need to explore the main theories and practices in business and leadership. Provide a broad perspective on companies and their transformations through case studies, insights and reports from managers and executives of leading companies. The final thesis should contain capstone material highlighting the challenges facing managers in the 21st century.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Comparative Literature
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. A research thesis for these PhD programmes should be designed to improve the knowledge and understanding of literature from its different cultural approaches. Every student in the research in this area should distinguish between the various literary genres (poetry, theatre, fiction and nonfiction), as well as the main aesthetic, political, religious and social issues that have influenced and contributed to shaping the literature of all times and cultures.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Anthropology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
The PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. This thesis should explore the four subfields of anthropology, namely archaeology, ethnology, physical anthropology and linguistics, which combine to give a complete understanding of humanity. It illustrates both the diversity of human societies and cultural models around the world and the similarities that make all human beings fundamentally similar. It also examines, from an anthropological point of view, the consequences of industrialism and globalization.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Geology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. The research program of this doctoral program should study the physical environment while examining geology. The deepening should concern the exploration of the origin, structure and composition of minerals and igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Plate tectonics, volcanism, rock formation, seismic activity and mountain construction are issues that should be addressed to give an overview of the Earth's dynamic internal processes.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Microbiology and Immunology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. The thesis of this doctoral program should provide original information on microbiology and immunology for health professionals. To investigate emerging infectious diseases, microscopy, recombinant DNA technology, domains in microbial classification, infectious diseases, resistance to antibiotics, immunology and industrial uses of microbes. The thesis should focus on understanding the key clinical concepts of microbiology, virology and infections.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in International Relations
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. This programme examines the complexities and processes involved in the relationships that govern international governance institutions. It deals with socio-economic and political, legal, historical and context-sensitive factors, which are key elements in any international environment. A research thesis in this area should examine the dynamics and structural features, as well as humanitarian issues operating within the global community.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Sustainable Agriculture
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. The aim of this research step should cover the theoretical foundations of sustainable agriculture, the design of alternative production systems and technologies and the management of parasitic insects, pathogens and weeds. Guiding and providing solutions through the main agricultural topics, such as plant sciences, agricultural technology and engineering and farm management, using research results and examples from both the developed and undeveloped world.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Archaeology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. A thesis for this research program must explore human societies of the past using their material remains and must implement the development of archaeology as a scientific discipline. Archaeological methods and theories should be explained using case studies from the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas. The dissertation should include the latest developments in this field and present theories and practices found in scientific reality concerning the latest archaeological discoveries.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Clinical Psychology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. This research program reveals the enormous potential of clinical psychology to help individuals, groups and societies. The candidate should develop a final thesis that explores an aspect of knowledge of this stimulating field from a clinical perspective that integrates psychology, biology and chemistry focused on the treatment of different pathologies. He will also have to face the roles and responsibilities of the contemporary clinical psychologist, his scientific bases and his theoretical orientations.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Sociology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. Sociology is the systematic study of human society. This programme places special emphasis on understanding the fundamental concepts of sociology and key social structures such as family, religion, education, science and technology, and economic and political institutions. The notion of culture, personality and personality development, role and status, as well as social order, control, class and mobility should be presented and analysed in the research thesis. The programme should also address the theories and processes of socio-cultural change.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Criminology
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. A research thesis for this program should analyze all aspects of criminology, including crime patterns, causes, methods and development of theory, as well as crimes in the modern world and responses to criminal behaviour. Help develop a better understanding of the central issues that define contemporary criminology to allow them to have their own conclusions and assessments. Analyze the principles of an effective criminal investigation, including all aspects of equipment, technology and procedures. Also, describe the investigation techniques and the identification and processing of physical evidence.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Psychoanalysis
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. Psychoanalysis aims to change a person's personality through the study of the unconscious mind. Psychoanalysis was founded in the early 1890s by the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis promotes awareness of unconscious, maladaptive and habitually recurring patterns of emotion and behaviour, allowing previously unconscious aspects of the self to integrate and promote optimal functioning, healing and creative expression. Current psychoanalytic models are continuously improved and reviewed by analytical experience, clinical outcomes and ongoing research. The research thesis should explore one or more aspects of psychoanalysis.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Performing Arts
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. A research thesis in this specific field should offer an overview of forms of artistic expression, in particular cinema, theatre, music, dance and visual art. Each student will explore how the performing arts reflect the social, political and religious aspects of many cultures and civilizations. In this programme, the candidate, through his thesis, should provide a theoretical exposition of the content and processes inherent in the creative and artistic experience of performance. It also gives students an appreciation of various artistic disciplines, forms of expression and creative visual languages.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in International Affairs
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. This program provides the theoretical basis and practical analysis of the international business. A research thesis should address the global environment in which the business operates, as well as the process of business preparation and market entry, strategy and operations. It should also cover topics such as the human and cultural environment that includes business, international trade theory, government influence on trade, international trade diplomacy, multinational accounting and tax strategy and multinational ownership reflecting recent developments and current interests.
Auream Phoenix University for Women
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Public Health
- Online
Full time, Part time
1 semester
Distance Learning
English, Italian
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis. The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning. The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University. In the light of the recent health crisis that is likely to change the way public health is implemented, the thesis of this research programme should define public health functions, practices, programmes and measures. Discuss the organisation and infrastructure of a modern and efficient healthcare system within a welfare system, the historical context and future challenges. The final thesis should provide a comprehensive description of basic public health services, how public health services are delivered and how managed care affects public health.
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Distance Learning PhD Degrees Explained
Requirements for the PhD program often involve the student having already obtained a Master’s degree. Additionally, a thesis or dissertation primarily consisting of original academic research must be submitted. In some countries, this work may even need to be defended in front of a panel.
Online learning refers to use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. With online learning one has the flexibility to access their studies at any time and from anywhere they can log on.