4 MBA in Art & Design

MBA in Art & DesignFilter
    • Paris, France

    Full time

    18 months



    The Digital Strategy Design & Transformation MBA trains change makers. It prepares graduates to master the digital transformation of the value chain, generate new business models, and implement a global, comprehensive digital strategy. There is a specific course on innovation management consulting.

    • Siedlęcin, Poland
    • Mała Kamienica, Poland
    • + 3 more


  • MBA - Self-Design

    DeSales University

    • Center Valley, USA



    The DeSales MBA with a concentration in Self-Design lets you build the program that best meets your professional goals. You have a niche, a deep interest in a specific industry or a particular area within an industry... This is where the DeSales MBA with a concentration in Self Design helps you achieve your goals. It provides the highest level of graduate program customization, combining core business administration courses with discipline-specific coursework you align with faculty advising to give you the tools and knowledge you need for your ideal career--whatever you choose. The Capstone course provides you the opportunity to integrate what you've learned into a culminating activity.

    • Worcester, USA

    Full time, Part time

    2 years

    Distance Learning


    Having technical expertise is no longer enough; Today’s IT professionals must be able to apply their knowledge to solve business problems for effective results. Whether it’s understanding user experience design, managing IT, or leveraging analytical tools, organizations seek IT managers who can drive the digital transformation process across industries while also considering the human and societal impact.