37 Degrees in Mathematics in Canada for 2024

Degrees in Mathematics in Canada for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Mathematics

    Carleton University Undergraduate

    • Ottawa, Canada

    Full time

    4 years



    Mathematics is a driving force behind many of today’s advancements in medicine, economics and business, and science and technology. As a Bachelor of Mathematics student, you can choose from a broad range of program options, such as actuarial science, mathematics, statistics, etc., according to your interests and career goals.

  • Bachelor of Mathematics Education

    University of Lethbridge

    • Lethbridge, Canada

    Full time

    4 years



    As a mathematics student you have the opportunity to study both pure mathematics and applied mathematics, and you are given the opportunity to see the real-world application of your textual studies. As an Education major a student develops a strong knowledge base in the subject area they intend to teach. They also receive in-depth preparation in how to teach, including both general and subject area instructional methods.

  • Bachelor of Mathematics

    University of Lethbridge

    • Lethbridge, Canada

    Full time

    4 years



    Mathematics is the study of structure and patterns in numbers and shapes. It is an active research area, providing a language, theories and models to solve complex problems across a wide variety of scientific, industrial and economic sectors. Over the past century, discoveries in pure mathematics have found unexpected applications in science, industry and finance, such as: secure internet transactions, Google, DNA sequencing and the stock market.

    • Lethbridge, Canada

    Full time

    48 months



    The Ph.D. program is thesis-based and offered in a number of areas of study. Depending on the academic background, students may be required to take up to six courses in their area of study; the number and details of the courses are determined in consultation with the supervisor at the time of admission to the program.

    • 515, Canada



    Mathematics is often described as the "queen of the sciences". It is essential to many fields, including engineering, finance, medicine, economics and the natural sciences. Math is everywhere! It is used to secure your data when you enter it online, in fraud detection, to understand medical scans, in weather prediction, for modeling wildfires and for creating efficient networks for security systems or air traffic. Studying mathematics trains you to think critically and develops strong problem-solving skills.

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mathematics

    Mount Allison University

    • 62, Canada



    Mathematics is the foundation of most modern quantitative and qualitative studies. It has many faces, from practical uses of its statistical tools to theoretical studies of abstract relationships. Mathematics said to be the Queen of Sciences, has been around since humans first began using numbers. The permanence and universality of mathematics throughout the ages is a consequence of its very nature.

  • Bachelor of Arts Applied Mathematics

    Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change | YORK UNIVERSITY

    • Toronto, Canada



    Applied Mathematics Join the top field in predicting numbers for many areas in science, engineering, business and social sciences. Become an interdisciplinary scientist versatile in the techniques and language of mathematics and familiar with applications in other fields. Learn how to create mathematical models, the key tool for solving real world problems

    • Edmonton, Canada

    Full time



    The Specialization in Mathematics program allows you to concentrate their studies in mathematics to a greater extent than is possible under the General program. You will design your program in consultation with an advisor from the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences; this flexibility allows you to combine the study of mathematics with the study of a related discipline such as Physics or Statistics.

  • BA in Mathematics

    The King's University - Canada

    • 9125, Canada


    Mathematics Delve into the beautiful intricacies of mathematics. Spend some time pondering the rich algebraic and geometric patterns that have fascinated humanity for millennia. Students in the mathematics minor also investigate how mathematics relates to many academic disciplines through mathematical models.

  • Mathematics

    St. John’s Academy

    • 369, Canada



    Mathematics is one way of understanding, interpreting and describing our world. There are several characteristics that define the nature of mathematics, including change, constancy, number sense, patterns, relationships, spatial sense and uncertainty. This course is designed for ELL students to develop their language and literacy skills related to mathematical concepts.

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics

    University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

    • 3333, Canada



    The Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides undergraduate and postgraduate instruction and training in pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics. A Bachelor of Science degree is available in Mathematics, as well as joint BSc degrees in Mathematics and Physics, Economics and Mathematics, Chemistry and Mathematics, and Computer Science and Mathematics.

    • Burnaby, Canada
    • Vancouver, Canada

    Full time

    2 years

    Blended, Distance Learning


    The Associate of Science (Mathematics) Degree is a two-year undergraduate degree and will enhance skills as well as provide experiences and aptitudes in the following areas: Knowledge in Mathematics; Familiarity with the applications of Mathematics; Ability to analyze and interpret data; Ability to apply quantitative skills. Upon completion of the Associate of Science (Mathematics) Degree program, students may choose to enter the workforce or continue their undergraduate studies.

  • Bachelor of Arts Mathematics

    Mount Saint Vincent University

    • 166, Canada



    Mathematics is one of the most original products of the human mind. It has many important applications in science, engineering, and statistics, but mathematics is also an important field of study for its own sake. Throughout history, each culture has developed its own mathematics to solve its problems. Today there is an internationally accepted mathematics that is studied and used across the world. With our increasing need for information and technology, mathematics will play an even more important role in most occupations and fields of study. It will also continue to be a critical topic in the history of ideas, documenting fundamental modes of human thought.

    • Edmonton, Canada

    Full time



    Mathematics and statistics play a fundamental role in our modern world and provide us with the tools for analyzing and solving problems in numerous fields. The Mathematics major in the BSc General Degree provides an overview of Mathematics and allows for customization and flexibility with courses and program direction.

  • Biology - Mathematics

    Queen's University

    • Kingston, Canada



    Understanding the evolution of drug resistant diseases draws upon knowledge of genetics, genomics, epidemiology, and population ecology and these are all areas of study steeped in both Biology and Mathematics. This example is just one of many that could be used to highlight the growing need for quantitative literacy in academics, medicine, and industry. The Biology and Mathematics SSP incorporates courses from both departments and combines them with specialized courses in “BioMath” to provide an exceptional learning experience in this emerging field.