2 Degrees in Marketing in Panama for 2024

Degrees in Marketing in Panama for 2024Filter
    • London, United Kingdom
    • Ragusa, Italy
    • + 1 more

    Full time, Part time

    1 year

    Distance Learning

    English, Italian

    This program emphasizes recent and innovative marketing strategies and concepts that help us stay in touch with customers. The program focuses on key issues facing businesses today, including methods to outperform competitors, foresee future trends, improve advertising and sales. Also building customer loyalty and taking advantage of the Internet marketplace are dealt with. Students will have the opportunity to develop the latest negotiation skills for salespeople; current marketing strategies and innovative approaches and currently hotly debated global topics such as direct marketing, internet, social media, etc. This program uses the A.P.E.L. (Accreditation Prior Experiential Learning) system. It is addressed to 30 years old Managers, Entrepreneurs, Professionals having at least 5 years of industry experience. A Master's degree or equivalent is required to access the program. The entire course is carried out in Distance Learning.


    Management University (Universidad Alta Dirección (UAD))

    • Panama City, Panama



    You are interested in developing marketing strategies in digital media for the corporate sector or in your own company. You are interested in establishing digital communication strategies for the world of politics.