4 Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Brazil for 2024

Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Brazil for 2024Filter
    • São Paulo, Brazil

    Part time

    2 semesters

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    The objective of the course is to develop professionals to work in the digital age, with a creative vision and knowledge to plan innovative digital marketing actions. The program consolidates communication and digital marketing knowledge within a contemporary vision that is adequate to the globalized behavior of today's society. In a collaborative environment, participants will plan actions and an applied communication and marketing project at the conclusion of the course.

    • São Paulo, Brazil

    Part time

    3 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The Graduate Program in Communication and Digital Design aims to train managers in the areas of marketing and strategy to work in organizations of different sizes and sectors, favoring the development of a vision of market trends that leads to efficient managerial decision-making and the development managerial attitudes compatible with the philosophy of focus on the market, ethics and corporate responsibility.

    • São Paulo, Brazil

    Part time

    4 semesters

    Distance Learning


    In the Master's course in Transmedia Business Communication, students will be prepared to: Evaluate scenarios and plan integrated communication and marketing actions, knowing the psychological characteristics of each priority public in order to disseminate the brand's essential concepts among all of them and generate a perception of added value .

    • São Paulo, Brazil

    Part time

    3 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The Master in Digital Business Management, BI and Artificial Intelligence aims to improve the reading of an increasingly competitive business environment, the program is based on a methodology that requires participants to prepare and apply strategic actions for the digital medium that articulates with the business strategy. In a collaborative environment, participants will plan actions and a course completion project.