MA In Refugee Protection and Forced Migration Studies
2 up to 5 Years
Part time
01 Feb 2025
Mar 2025
GBP 9,464 *
Distance Learning
* full fee
Key Summary
This MA has quickly become one of the largest programs on forced migration anywhere in the world. The programme provides a solid legal, practical, and theoretical understanding of refugee protection and forced migration.
You will become more independent in managing and critiquing law, policy, and practice, and also in gathering, organizing, and deploying evidence to form balanced judgments and develop policy recommendations.
How you study
The programme is available online and is fully supported by a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), as well as study materials and help from academic staff. It allows you to study anywhere in the world and fit your studies around your other commitments.
Study materials
You receive individual module subject guides, assessment activities, and digitized readings. The two primary texts for the core modules are books, which will be useful reference points throughout your studies.
For each module, you will be able to discuss your work with fellow students and tutors. Supplementary information is provided via podcasts and videos from leading academics.
You can also benefit from research materials created by the Refugee Law Initiative, such as its Working Paper Series and podcasts from public events.
Online support
When you register, we will give you access to your Student Portal. You can then access your University of London email account and other key resources:
- The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) enables access to course materials, resources, and forums to discuss course material and work collaboratively with others. Tutors are available to answer queries and promote discussion during the study year through the VLE.
- The Online Library provides access to over 100 million academic electronic items comprising E-books, E-journals, conference proceedings, etc. In addition, students can request items that are not held in the library via the library's Inter-Library loans service with the British Library.
- Senate House Library provides free reference access for all registered distance and flexible learning students.
Time commitment
This MA is designed to be studied over two years by taking the two core modules in the first year and four elective modules (two per session) in the second year, alongside the dissertation component.
Each study session lasts 16 weeks and the dissertation component accounts for 12 weeks per year. We recommend that you study for 15-20 hours per week during this time.
Core modules: a final item of coursework (70% overall grade) and five online assessments known as E-tivities (30% overall grade).
Elective modules: three E-tivities (30% overall grade) and one coursework item of 3,000-4,000 words (70% overall grade).
The dissertation is assessed in two parts: the research methods course and research proposal (15% overall grade) and the dissertation thesis (85% overall grade).
Career Opportunities
This MA is designed for anyone who wishes to pursue careers in a range of professional contexts in the refugee, human rights, or humanitarian fields. By combining your studies with your existing commitments, you will be able to maintain your career momentum.
Potential employers include international agencies, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), governmental bodies, and non-governmental organizations.
MA: two core modules, four elective modules and one dissertation component.