10 Degrees in Human Resources in Colombia for 2024

Degrees in Human Resources in Colombia for 2024Filter
    • Online

    Full time, Part time

    12 months

    Distance Learning


    Online master in human resources, talent retention, selection and leadership. In the Master in Human Resources Management at OBS Business School develop the essential technical knowledge that the department manager must master, acquiring the necessary managerial skills that allow us to successfully manage the team of people.

    • Ibagué, Colombia
    • Greenville, USA

    Full time, Part time

    Distance Learning, On-Campus

    The Organizational Leadership degree (Human Resources) provides expertise for a successful career in human resources.

  • Human Talent Management

    María Cano University Foundation

    • Medellín, Colombia



    The Specialization program in Human Talent Management conceives the definition of Strategic Human Resources Management (GERH) as a proactive approach in the strategic relationship between people and business processes and presents as the most relevant characteristic, the recognition of people as essential elements for the success of the company because they can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage for it. It is understood that those responsible for human resources not only participate in the management of the processes in their area, but also in all those with repercussions for the company as a whole.

  • Master in Human Development

    University College of Cundinamarca (Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca)

    • Bogotá, Colombia



    The graduate of the Master's program in Human Development is expected to: Analyze the current models of human development to propose improvement actions. Develop skills to plan and execute intervention strategies that allow the resolution of problems related to human development in: health, education, social and environmental development Facilitate health and human development processes in organizations and in society in general Develop the ability to work interdisciplinary in solving social problems Participate in the development and implementation of public policies related to Human Development and health Analyze socio-environmental problems to propose alternative solutions Participate in the development of research projects related to human development, social and health problems.

  • Master of Human Talent Management

    University Of Manizales (Universidad De Manizales)

    • Manizales, Colombia



    This Program, with advanced training in Human Talent Management, promotes and consolidates research in the field of study of the Human Being-Work relationship. This search for theoretical and praxiological elements allows the understanding and reflective and contextualized analysis of human processes in the world of work, their impact on the levels of productivity and competitiveness in organizations, and the forms of individual and social action in each context. In the same way, it facilitates the power to generate and implement human management processes that contribute to the growing promotion of human productive potential, for organizational development and, consequently, social development.

  • Specialization in Human Talent Management

    Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC))

    • Tunja, Colombia



    The Specialization in Human Talent Management aims to train professionals in the area of ​​Human Talent, with strengths in managerial and investigative skills, efficient and competitive, endowed with the necessary tools to achieve the organizational development of Human Talent in public and private companies. To become a highly recognized and projected Specialization at the regional and national level that participates in the main processes of Human development within the Organizations, through an updated, pertinent and flexible curriculum.

  • Specialization in Human Talent Management

    American University Corporation (Corporación Universitaria Americana (Coruniamericana))

    • Colombia, Colombia



    The Human Talent Management Specialist of the American University Corporation has comprehensive training with a global vision and skills to exercise effective leadership, managing human capital from a critical and self-regulatory approach, from the diagnosis, evaluation and implementation of strategies that contribute to achieving organizational goals.


    Juan de Castellanos University Foundation (Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos JDC) Colombia

    • Boyacá, Colombia



    The general performance areas are Production, systematization, and application of knowledge to identify the needs and living conditions of the population in the territories. Advice and guidance to various entities on the management of projects and resources that benefit the full development of population groups in harmony with the environment.


    Fundacion Universitaria CEIPA

    • Sabaneta, Colombia



    Graduates of the program will be able to work in companies of all sectors and sizes, or in the creation of their own company in areas such as: Senior management and human talent management levels. Levels of management, direction, coordination, or leadership of compensation and benefits. Levels of management, direction, coordination, or leadership of selection and development of people. Levels of management, direction, coordination, or leadership of education and training. Levels of management, direction, coordination, or leadership of people development and engagement.

    • Bogotá, Colombia

    Distance Learning

    By accepting that the efficient use of intellectual capital represents a factor leading to business competitiveness, it is understandable why progressive organizations and those led