3 Degrees in Human Resources in Chile for 2024

Degrees in Human Resources in Chile for 2024Filter
  • Master in Human Resources Management

    Autonomous University of Chile (Universidad Autónoma de Chile)

    • Providencia, Chile



    Prepare quality graduates in the specialty of Human Resources, with mastery of advanced people management techniques, with solid management in strategic management and business processes, complemented with the management skills necessary to contribute to the creation of value and the strategic objectives of organizations.

    • Providencia, Chile



    Organizations face increasingly dynamic external and internal environments, which implies that the human talent that gives life to these companies is faced with new challenges that must be managed so that in this way organizational effectiveness can be achieved. This will demand highly specialized professionals who provide value in different disciplines of knowledge within a company and specifically in the areas of people. The look of both management and organizational psychology is needed, since both are necessary disciplines to promote and manage internal change, achieving greater added value to the processes of job design, attraction, and retention of talents, selection, training, and development with a clear focus on the value proposition generated by companies. The Master in People Management and Organizational Effectiveness of the San Sebastián University has been created entirely by the Faculties of Economics and Business and Psychology of this House of Studies, responding with this to the demands previously raised, delivering a solid training in management, that allow us to face internal and external phenomena from a business perspective, and another line in organizational psychology that allows us to understand the change from a systemic perspective in dialogue with the Social Sciences in general, understanding the human being in its entirety.

    • Providencia, Chile



    These are times of uncertainty, challenges and changes are coming that we must face with as many tools as possible. As members of an Organization, and as managers, we are responsible for making informed decisions.