Page 5 of 24, 353 Degrees in History in USA for 2024

Degrees in History in USA for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey

    • New Brunswick, USA

    Distance Learning


    Through their studies of the history of art, students acquire not only an understanding of artistic styles within their cultural context, but also are introduced to the many methodological and theoretical avenues through which the history of art may be investigated. In addition to courses in art history, students have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of internships in the metropolitan region in museums and nonprofit art-related institutions. Over the course of their studies, art history students hone their writing and research skills and are introduced to the variety of professional applications of their degree, from academia to museums to the corporate world.

  • BA in History

    North Central College

    • Naperville, USA

    Full time

    4 years



    You’ll work closely with some of the most well-respected faculty and authorities in the field as you conduct primary research at local and Chicago-area historical centers. Our history major is immensely flexible—it enables you to shape your entire college experience around your interests. You can major and minor in additional areas, such as business, political science, or media studies. You can study abroad. Learn new languages. Add Chicago Term and urban/suburban studies to your program. A history major can put you on a path to a career in higher education, museums, archives, law, government, or business. But no matter how you define “history major,” you’ll graduate with the solid writing and analytical skills that every successful career requires.

  • Bachelor of arts in Public History

    Ouachita Baptist University

    • Arkadelphia, USA

    Full time



    Students completing the program will understand the core concepts and theories about museum studies, archival administration, historic preservation, and Local History. Through experiential learning, they will acquire the skills to present History to the public by completing projects such as museum exhibits, archival finding aids, community history programming, and digital resource creation.

  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    University of the Incarnate Word

    • San Antonio, USA



    The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in History at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of the Incarnate Word provides students with an understanding of the world and the diverse forces that shaped the past and influence the present. History majors study the past, but they build the skills needed to create a future career path. Employers across industries look to hire people who can make sound decisions, work through complex problems, craft evidence-based persuasive arguments, and process information, all skills that the study of history helps to build. Students of history also develop strong research skills to become critical thinkers, which make them ideal candidates for graduate programs or futures in the political sphere.

  • History

    New Jersey Institute of Technology

    • Newark, USA



    The study of History includes a broad study of world history and the diverse cultural history of the United States, as well as study in the history of science and technology, the history of medicine and health, and environmental, legal, and media history. Students learn to study evidence and weigh its value, argue clearly and persuasively in verbal and written form, and analyze the past in order to understand the present and prepare for the future.

  • History

    Kenyon College

    • Gambier, USA



    Students engage the past as a living, breathing reality that holds real meaning and the potential for clues to understanding contemporary life. Course offerings in history are deep and wide, covering U.S. history, early modern and modern European history, African and Asian history, and Latin American history. More than half of all history classes are taught in a small seminar format, and students join with their teachers as explorers of the past through research, theoretical considerations and integration of coursework.

  • MA in History

    Sonoma State University

    • 1801, USA



    The study of history involves the study of all human thought and action, ranging from the economic and the political to the psychological and the artistic. Combining the perspectives and methods of the social sciences and the humanities, it seeks to comprehend the problems and challenges faced by individuals and societies in the distant and recent past, nearby and far away. This understanding of the human experience provides the necessary historical perspective to explain the present.

  • History

    Wabash College

    • Crawfordsville, USA



    The Wabash College history major encourages historical imagination and curiosity, applying global and cultural examination methods to primary sources of the past. The Wabash history department is dedicated to promoting the study of history of diverse peoples, with emphasis on global and cultural historical methods. Students are encouraged not only to study historians, but to accumulate the skills to become historians. In this light, our history classes follow this series of goals: Content, The Craft of History, Historical Thinking, Self-Expression, and Self-Development.

  • Ph.D. in History

    Boston College

    • Boston, USA

    Full time

    5 years



    The Ph.D. degree in history is offered with concentrations in Medieval History, Early Modern European History, Modern European History, American History, and Latin American History. The department also offers coursework in Middle Eastern History and Asian History.

  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    Sonoma State University

    • 1801, USA


    The study of history involves the study of all human thought and action, ranging from the economic and the political to the psychological and the artistic. Combining the perspectives and methods of the social sciences and the humanities, it seeks to comprehend the problems and challenges faced by individuals and societies in the distant and recent past, nearby and far away. This understanding of the human experience provides the necessary historical perspective to explain the present.
 The history major is designed both to provide the basis for a solid liberal arts education and to meet the needs of individual students.

  • History

    Bryn Mawr College

    • Bryn Mawr, USA



    History at Bryn Mawr is about questioning and explaining how the past has been constructed, understood, and made into what we call "history." Our courses challenge students to actively participate in interpreting and making history, rather than merely reading and reflecting about the past. A primary aim of the Department of History is to deepen students' sense of time as a factor in cultural diversity and change. Our program of study offers students the opportunity to experience the past through attention to long-range questions, comparative history, and complex causation.

  • History

    Dalton State College

    • Dalton, USA


    The Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in history is designed to produce graduates who have knowledge of U.S., world, and regional history.

  • MA in History

    Rutgers University–Newark

    • 185, USA



    The Federated Department of History offers a joint Graduate History Program with history faculty at Rutgers University-Newark and NJIT joined in a single federated department that offers an integrated curriculum. The program offers courses in all the major regions of the world and all periods of history but has particular strengths in modern U.S. history, including the history of race, gender, international relations, and urban history; world history; public history (with internships available at local historical organizations); narrative history and the craft of writing history; world history; and the history of technology, environment, and medicine/health.

  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    California State University, Fresno

    • Fresno, USA

    Full time

    4 years



    History is also one of the broadest and most universal of the humanities. Just as the personalities of individuals are shaped through the totality of their past experiences, so cultures and institutions also develop in time. The study of history can help students understand themselves and their culture better and develop a more tolerant and humane spirit toward others. In this way, as in so many others, a knowledge of the past can help all of us meet the problems of today with greater understanding and compassion. History majors are trained to read with comprehension and to compare and analyze both written and oral material. In addition, they must know how to evaluate evidence and sources, how to critique the writing of others, and how to do research and write on their own.

  • History

    American Institute Of Alternative Medicine

    • Columbus, USA



    In History, students investigate the people and societies of the past (both distant and recent) and develop skills in research, analysis, and expression that are essential to all the Liberal Arts. History majors design their paths of study from a wide variety of course offerings in eight interest fields. We at the History Department are committed to providing our students with a rich and rigorous understanding of history, which includes an appreciation for the diversity of human experiences across time and place.