2 DBA Degrees in Austria for 2024

DBA Degrees in Austria for 2024Filter
    • Linz, Austria

    Part time

    6 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA/Dr.) is the highest academic degree in Anglo-Saxon university management education. The Doctor of Business Administration was originally developed at Harvard University in the US and is now recognized beyond the borders of the US and Great Britain. It is considered the practice-oriented counterpart to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). In many sectors, excellent career opportunities open up with a completed doctoral degree. A DBA/Dr. degree creates ideal conditions for scientifically researching strategic issues from corporate practice. Many students focus on problems from their own company, which are dealt with and solved in a practical way. In this way, they make a significant contribution to the future success of the company. The company often rewards these efforts with promotions or the transfer of new areas of responsibility. Last but not least, the social reputation also increases with the doctorate.

    • Linz, Austria

    Part time

    4 years

    Distance Learning


    The DBA is the professional equivalent of the academic Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) but is designed specifically to support participants in undertaking practice-based research related to their professional environment. While the knowledge gained from this research is equally rigorous to the Ph.D., it is distinctive in that the research findings tend to be highly applicable within the students’ organisation and/or within their community of professional practice.