3 Certificate Degrees in Marketing in Canada for 2024

Certificate Degrees in Marketing in Canada for 2024Filter
    • Online

    Part time

    Distance Learning


    This program has been designed to meet the needs of students seeking a broad knowledge of business administration and specializing in the area of marketing. Topics covered in this certificate include: product management, product pricing, distribution strategies, promotion strategies, advertising, sales promotions, publicity, media and creative execution.


    Canadian Business College

    • Mississauga, Canada



    Canadian Business College’s Marketing and Digital Media Program provides students with the necessary skills and training to succeed in the dynamic world of design, digital media, and marketing. This program helps students develop technical, creative, and business capabilities which can lead to a career in digital marketing, graphic design, digital media publishing, website development, advertising, sales, or freelance media production.

    • Montreal, Canada



    Internet and Digital Marketing is a two (2) year certificate program that prepares students to be qualified professionals in the digital/social media marketing industry. The program is suitable for anyone who is interested in managing the online presence of a company or an organization. It is also beneficial for someone who wishes to offer independent consulting or contract-based services in digital marketing. Additionally, small business owners, who manage their own online communications, may also benefit from the learning outcomes.