2 Degrees in Textile Design in Spain for 2024

Degrees in Textile Design in Spain for 2024Filter
  • Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Science in Textile Engineering

    Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

    • Alcoi, Spain

    Full time

    2 years



    In the last 20 years, both academia and the textile industry have become more global than ever and creativity, user- and application-centered product design, multicultural understanding, entrepreneurial behavior and multi-party thinking Perspectives are vital to being a leader in innovation. Furthermore, innovative products dedicated to unconventional market niches offer enormous potential for starting business activities that is in the DNA of the textile sector, a typical sector for SMEs. This means that, in addition to acquiring cutting-edge knowledge, personal development and networking have also gained a lot of importance.

  • Master's Degree in Textile Engineering

    Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

    • Alcoi, Spain

    Full time

    18 months



    The current textile field requires trained people, with the ability to lead companies and research structures related to the sector, who face the challenge of new skills, and who help promote the development of new products and be competitive in the renewed market. textile.