2 Degrees in Sustainable Management in Ireland for 2024

Degrees in Sustainable Management in Ireland for 2024Filter
    • Dublin, Ireland

    Full time

    1 year



    The MSc Wildlife Conservation and Management is suitable for students who wish to undertake further studies in pursuit of a career in the agricultural and environmental sciences, with a particular emphasis on the sustainable management of wildlife resources within rural landscapes. This is a unique programme dealing with the principles of population management and zoonotic diseases associated with wildlife and conflict resolution.

    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    1 year



    The course aims to provide participants with the skills, knowledge and experience that are needed to pursue successful careers in managing environmental resources sustainably; it intends to help develop government policy and economic recovery by producing top quality graduates who can contribute to a smart economy and hasten implementation of green technologies; given the pressure on and competition for limited resources, the course applies an evidence based approach to developing solutions for all system users; graduates become technically fluent in selected environmental science theory, policy development, implementation and best practice.