3 Degrees in Sustainable Economic Studies in Cape Town, South Africa for 2024

Degrees in Sustainable Economic Studies in Cape Town, South Africa for 2024Filter
    • Cape Town, South Africa


    Global climate change presents daunting and exciting challenges, especially for the developing world, where traditional routes to development are at odds with the need for a low carbon economy. At the same time, building resilience to climate change and variability is fundamental to sustainable development and prosperity. A transdisciplinary approach that integrates the biophysical, technological, socio-economic sciences and the humanities is required to successfully engage with the challenges of climate change.

    • Valbonne, France
    • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    • + 6 more

    Part time

    18 months



    Learn how to develop new sources of value creation to innovate and ensure sustainable company growth. This module of the EMBA is aimed at developing value-added skills that improve companies' operational efficiency. This means learning to identify the challenges facing the supply chain as a result of the growing pressure of international competition, client and customer expectations, regulatory requirements, and environment protection. The students commit to safeguarding the planet and to protecting personal data and its ethical use. They learn to think like the school's avant-garde, to act like impactful players, and to contribute as a global institution.

    • Cape Town, South Africa

    Full time

    2 weeks



    This course has been designed to equip the next generation of critical thinkers to consider the world’s increasingly complex water challenges. This course will challenge participants to consider water in new ways, develop the tools to do so, and equip them with the skills to apply their learnings in different contexts.