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Study Law in Lithuania

Nov 4, 2024
  • Law Studies
  • Study Abroad in Europe
  • Study Abroad in Lithuania

What is a Law Degree in Lithuania?

For those people who wish to be a part of this legal system, it is necessary to obtain a Master of Law (LLM degree). This is a required qualification for all lawyers in the country. Generally, this is a five year program that initial involves the completion of a Bachelor of Law (LLB) and then a master of a Law (LLM).

Law Higher Education in Lithuania

Obtaining legal higher education in Lithuania can be an option not only for local citizens of the country, but also by those who are students from international locations. The law schools in the country often offer limited access to this field, accepting only a particular number of students each year into the program. Often times, this is based on the abilities and educational qualifications for the student.

There are various universities and law schools that provide law education to students in Lithuania. The programs in these institutions allow for students to complete their education in law and then require students to sit for a licensing exam.

The costs for this type of education will range significantly. In most cases, students who complete and obtain their legal degree and license can then work in the community. This is a highly competitive field, though. There are promising opportunities, but the country is small and the legal system is well established. For those international studies who wish to study law in Lithuania, it is necessary to seek out the schools' permission prior to obtaining a student required visa.

About Lithuania

A country known for its rich culture, Lithuania can be a very good place to study. The country, located in Northern Europe is the largest of the three Baltic states. It is home to more than three million people and the city of Vilnius is its capital. The country's rich history is an important component to its successes as a member of the European Union. For students who plan to study here, it is important to understand that the country has one of the fastest growing economies in the region, as well as in the world.

Students wishing to work as an attorney or in any other legal capacity in the country will need to obtain legal studies from the accredited schools in Lithuania. There are exciting opportunities for students to do this throughout the region.

What is the Law System in Lithuania?

Lithuania has a civil law legal system. This is not the same as a common law system. Its laws are similar in structure to those of Germany and France. All of these laws are grounded on the principles that are outlined in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. There is a Constitutional Court that works to uphold these laws within the country. As with most countries, the laws here continue to change as the people and needs of the country change.