3 Degrees in Strategy in Japan for 2024

Degrees in Strategy in Japan for 2024Filter
    • Zürich, Switzerland
    • Antwerp, Belgium
    • + 7 more

    Full time, Part time

    9 months

    Blended, Distance Learning, On-Campus


    Upon successful completion of the study program students receive an international private Master in International Management (MIM) degree with a specialization in Strategic Management, awarded by the school's main campus in Zurich, Switzerland, based on the recommendation of the faculty of the local campuses where credits were earned, and upon the recommendation of the school's Academic Council.

  • Master in Strategic Management

    Osaka City University

    • Osaka, Japan


    Subject groups, as the first dimension of the GSB matrix, are composed of four subjects: Management, Accounting, Finance and Distribution, and Industry and Region. Every subject provides both basic and advanced knowledge of the area. Students can choose anyone as their major or minor. In the second dimension of the GSB matrix, there are five research units: Strategic Management, Management Information, International Business, Industry Creation, and Public and Environmental Management. Every research unit is designed for the purpose of specialized and focused research. Students can make a variety of choices by selecting different subjects and units. In addition, graduate students are supposed to take research methodological classes: Qualitative Methodology, Quantitative Methodology, and Systems Methodology. We also provide an MBA course called "Graduate Research Project for Business Experts and Executives". For this research project, we set different research themes and assign two faculty staff every year. Each theme continues for two years and usually is conducted by ten students.

    • Kobe, Japan


    For the academic year of 2017, the SESAMI Master’s program starts in October and can be completed in one and a half years (i.e., in March in the year after the next). During the first 12 months of the program (i.e., two semesters from October 1 to March 30 and from April 1 to September 30), a series of intensive courses are taught all in English by professors of Kobe University and of those affiliated with universities and research organizations overseas.