2 Degrees in Economic Studies Statistics in South America for 2024

Degrees in Economic Studies Statistics in South America for 2024Filter
  • Master in Statistics

    University of Atacama

    • Copiapó, Chile



    The objective of the Master in Statistics is to train specialists, in theory, methodology, and applications of statistical science. At the end of the program, it is expected that the graduate will acquire solid training in statistical techniques that will allow him to develop specific tasks in private companies, in public institutions, in interdisciplinary groups, in the teaching of statistics, and in consultancies that require of your competition.

  • Master in Biostatistics

    Manuela Beltran University (Universidad Manuela Beltrán (UMB))

    • Bogotá, Colombia



    The Manuela Beltrán University presents the Master's program in Biostatistics, which arises to support different research processes thanks to training in the use and application of different statistical techniques and methodologies in biological, epidemiological, and Health Sciences contexts; in sectors such as Health Sciences, Psychology, Exact Sciences, Engineering, and different related areas. The emergence of this program, congruently, responds to the dizzying growth of research in all these areas, which has led to experts, academics, and professionals in real sectors of each area, who in addition to having solid disciplinary knowledge and skills of the professional world, access training complements at the in-depth level related to statistical modeling and sophisticated forecasting techniques.