5 Degrees in Statistics in Netherlands for 2024

Degrees in Statistics in Netherlands for 2024Filter
    • Leiden, Netherlands

    Full time

    2 years



    This two-year master’s programme provides you with a thorough introduction to the general philosophy and methodology of statistical modelling, data analysis and data science, with a focus on applications in the life and behavioural sciences. How can we model the spread of a virus? How do global events affect people's wellbeing? How effective is a vaccine? What is the uncertainty of that estimate? These are pertinent questions in today's society that you can answer with statistics, but the applications are much broader than that: How does your phone recognize your face? How can an algorithm better diagnose cancer than a doctor? How can you draw conclusions from the expression of thousands of genes? A formal education in Statistics & Data Science will equip you with the skills to answer complicated questions like these, both in industry and academia.

    • Groningen, Netherlands

    Full time

    12 months



    The MSc Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies(EORAS) uses mathematical and statistical models to analyse problems in business, economics, finance, insurance, and related areas. We address questions such as: How will future employment ratios develop in Europe? How much influence will petrol prices have on car usage? What is the minimal route length to deliver large amounts of parcels? How to calculate a fair premium for a new insurance product? These questions have in common that they use mathematical modelling and data science in a decision-making process. You will learn how to construct appropriate models, to apply these models with real-life data and (statistical) software, and to design and implement computer algorithms to evaluate the decisions. Importantly, you also learn how to give proper (economic) interpretations of the outcomes of the analysis.

    • Groningen, Netherlands

    Full time

    1 year



    The MSc Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies(EORAS) use mathematical and statistical models to analyze problems in business, economics, finance, insurance, and related areas. We address questions such as: How will future employment ratios develop in Europe?

  • Summer Course in Statistical Methods for Causal Inference

    Vrije University - Summer & Winter graduate programs

    • Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Full time

    2 weeks



    Explore the realm of causal mechanisms and unravel the intricacies of major events with our Summer Course in Statistical Methods for Causal Inference. Tailored for students and practitioners with a keen interest in understanding cause-and-effect relationships, this program delves into the critical aspects of impact evaluation and the design of effective policies. Through a comprehensive exploration of statistical methods, participants will acquire the essential skills to discern causal mechanisms, fostering a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics shaping significant events.

    • Utrecht, Netherlands

    Full time

    2 years



    This two-year Master’s program trains students to become researchers who can bridge the gap between hard-core statistics and applications in empirical research in the social, behavioral, biostatistical, and medical sciences.