4 Degrees in Social Policy in Spain for 2024

Degrees in Social Policy in Spain for 2024Filter
  • Master's Degree in Public and Social Policies

    UPF Barcelona School of Management

    • Barcelona, Spain

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master's Degree in Public and Social Policies, offered in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, is an international reference program in its field, backed by a history of 23 editions. Become an agent of social improvement through public and social policies.

    • Barcelona, Spain



    The aim of the master's degree in Social and Educational Action, which is one of the university master's degrees offered by the Faculty of Education, is to learn the methods and develop the knowledge required to: analyse and compare the logic and dynamics of social policies in different contexts; identify the characteristics of social action, and tackle new and emerging problems and situations affecting at-risk populations.

    • Barcelona, Spain



    Given the educational challenges involved in building new projects for peaceful coexistence in the context of the global crisis, education in values and citizenship is increasingly important if we are to learn to live together in multicultural, interlinked global societies.

    • Barcelona, Spain

    Full time

    10 days



    The Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work of the Ramon Llull University organises the Barcelona Social Summer (BSS) during the first two weeks of July 2023. The event is an international summer school course addressed to teachers, researchers and/or students from different Higher Education Institutions and social intervention professionals from around the world interested in acquiring a better knowledge of the social challenges and trends in the European Union from a social policy perspective.