4 Degrees in Public Health in Chile for 2024

Degrees in Public Health in Chile for 2024Filter
    • Antofagasta, Chile



    Contribute to the training and development of advanced human capital, in public health sciences, to optimize the health of the population from the field of the directive and professional management. Generate research, to provide interdisciplinary and intersectoral responses to the priority health problems of the population.

  • Master in Collective Health

    University Of Los Lagos

    • Santiago, Chile



    The Master's in Collective Health's mission is to train at the postgraduate level, professionals trained to creatively analyze health problems through a global perspective that considers the social and political context of the territory, from a scientific perspective; deepening the historical character of Chilean and Latin American health, which will allow a multidisciplinary approach to collective health, whose care model is built in a heterogeneous way from the territory where it is going to be implemented.

  • Master in Public Health

    University of Bio Bio

    • Concepción, Chile



    Formar especialistas en Salud Pública, en un contexto complejo y global, que contribuya a mejorar las condiciones biopsicosociales de la población nacional, regional y local, a través del diagnóstico, ejecución y evaluación de programas, mediante la intervención o investigación aplicada en salud, considerando un enfoque por competencia profesional, holístico e interdisciplinario.

    • Copiapó, Chile



    With the aim of developing solid theoretical and practical bases for Research with a Qualitative, Holistic, and Transdisciplinary Approach, the University of Atacama is in the process of starting with the third version of the Master's Degree in Methodology from Salíster in Methodology of Investiges directives de Qualitativión different disciplines who want to take the postgraduate degree.