3 Degrees in Physics in Turkey for 2024

Degrees in Physics in Turkey for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor in Physics

    Bilkent University

    • Ankara, Turkey

    Full time

    4 years



    The curriculum of the Department of Physics provides a thorough background in the basics of physics and also features advanced elective courses, with the purpose of enabling students to undertake advanced and original research in modern physics and its high technology applications.

  • BSc Physics Education

    Middle East Technical University

    • Ankara, Turkey



    The philosophy of Physics Education revolves around the belief that physics is a fundamental science that plays a crucial role in understanding the natural world and fostering scientific literacy. The objective of Physics Education is to cultivate in students a deep appreciation for the principles of physics, develop their critical thinking skills, and empower them to become active participants in scientific inquiry and discovery.

  • BSc Physics

    Middle East Technical University

    • Ankara, Turkey



    The objectives of the department are: To develop students` basic knowledge of physics in order that they can understand the rules governing the universe. To enhance students` ability and motivation to solve unsolved problems in various fields. To give broader background in math and science in order to provide a basis for branching out into variety of areas ranging from the nano-scale high-tech area to space physics. To prepare students to become a research scientist to make a carrier of physics and also work as a professor in a university, or to work as an applier of physics in almost all fields where science and technology have an important impact