2 Degrees in Physics in Argentina for 2024

Degrees in Physics in Argentina for 2024Filter

    Universidad Nacional Del Chaco Austral

    • Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Argentina



    Graduates will be able to, Physics of dimensions, Biology of dimensions, energy, heat, work, and power. Transport through fluids and membranes. Dynamic order, chaos, and fractals. Environmental Biophysics.

  • Master of Physics

    Universidad Nacional Del Litoral

    • Santa Fe, Argentina



    The purpose of the Master's Degree in Physics is to transmit a solid formation in an area of specialization of physics and to provide effective experience in scientific research. It is an academic, face-to-face and semi-structured postgraduate degree, which includes a Study Plan and the execution of a Master's Thesis, in which the professor-researchers of the Instituto de Física del Litoral (IFIS Litoral) participate, as well as its laboratories and infrastructure in general. The career will have a minimum duration of two (2) years, and a maximum of four (4) years, which will be counted from the admission of the applicant.