13 Degrees in Physics in Africa for 2024

Degrees in Physics in Africa for 2024Filter
  • BSc (Physics)

    University of Pretoria - Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

    • Pretoria, South Africa

    Full time

    3 years



    The useful and transferable skills that physics students acquire in theoretical, experimental and computational physics equip them for a variety of career options. The BSc (Physics) program will appeal to students who are passionate about understanding nature, are driven by curiosity, are interested in mathematics and are willing to put in the required effort.

  • PhD in Physics

    University of Johannesburg

    • Johannesburg, South Africa

    Full time

    3 years



    The purpose of the Ph.D. in Physics is to provide qualifying students with an in-depth understanding and integrated knowledge of advanced applicable theory in the field of physics.

  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics

    University of Johannesburg

    • Johannesburg, South Africa

    Full time

    4 years



    The Applied Physics degree at the University of Johannesburg will prepare students for a variety of exciting careers in Science and Technology and provide graduates with an innovative edge to take advantage of the immense benefits associated with the fourth industrial revolution. The degree provides a pragmatic balance between fundamental and applied physics aspects with a strong emphasis on the development of problem-solving skills.

  • MSc in Physics

    University of Johannesburg

    • Johannesburg, South Africa

    Full time

    2 semesters



    The primary purpose of the MSc in Physics minor-dissertation with coursework is to provide students with specialized advanced education and training while meeting the requirements of a specific research component so that students can master the required experimental and technological skills and necessary fieldwork competencies such as innovation, decision-making, strategic thinking and organizational skills.

  • BSc Hons in Physics

    University of Johannesburg

    • Johannesburg, South Africa

    Full time, Part time

    1 year



    The primary purpose of the BSc Honours qualification is to consolidate and deepen the students’ knowledge and expertise in Physics and to develop research capacity in the methodology and techniques of it. BSc Honours is essentially a coursework degree of which at least 25% (30) of the credits are devoted to a research project and reporting under supervision.

  • BSc/BSc Extended in Physical Sciences

    University of Johannesburg

    • Johannesburg, South Africa

    Full time

    3 years



    This qualification is primarily designed to provide a well-rounded, broad education that equips graduates with the knowledge base, theory, and methodology of the physical sciences.

  • MSc (Physics)

    University of Pretoria - Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

    • Pretoria, South Africa

    Full time

    1 year



    The Program consists of:

  • BSc (Geology)

    University of Pretoria - Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

    • Pretoria, South Africa

    Full time

    3 years



    Geology is the study of the Earth and includes aspects related to its formation, composition, structure and processes. South Africa is known for its large reserves of gold, platinum, chromium, vanadium and other metal ores, as well as substantial diamond and coal reserves. A mere hour’s drive from UP takes one to the Karoo coalfields, the site where the Cullinan diamond was discovered, the Bushveld platinum mines and the gold mines of the Witwatersrand. South Africa also has some of the Earth’s oldest well-exposed geology and significant fossils informing us about the history of the planet. UP is well situated within easy reach of the mining and applied geological industries and offers a strong program in the applied fields of economic geology, structural geology and mechanics, and engineering geology and hydrogeology. Candidates who successfully complete this program qualify for professional registration as geological scientists. The program requires an appreciation for mathematics and chemistry. A love for the Earth and working outdoors, and an interest in geology or geomorphology will be beneficial. Depending on your personality, you can decide how you would like to divide your time between working in the field and working in the office.

  • BSc (Meteorology)

    University of Pretoria - Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

    • Pretoria, South Africa

    Full time

    3 years



    Meteorology is the study of atmospheric phenomena. This not only includes the physics, chemistry and dynamics of the atmosphere but is extended to include many of the direct effects of the atmosphere upon the earth’s surface, the oceans and life in general. Meteorologists aim to achieve complete understanding, accurate prediction and artificial control of atmospheric phenomena. Weather and climate are critical in people’s lives as they can affect many of our daily activities, such as agriculture, sports, travel and tourism. In the long term, they may even determine whether humankind survives or not. There is increasing concern that human activities may irreversibly change the earth’s weather and climate. Serious concerns are also expressed regarding the effects of air pollution. Meteorologists and atmospheric scientists are interested in understanding how the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere work.

    • Cape Town, South Africa

    Full time

    1 semester



    Intrigued by science and the love for numbers? Are you interested in the science and study of space, change, structure and quality? Then why not continue your studies with semester courses at the University of Cape Town. By selecting one of our available science courses students will be equipped to formulate, discuss and explain the basic definitions of physical quantities, the principles and laws that are encountered in chemistry and the ability to derive equations, explain, interpret and evaluate elementary theoretical models. If you have a passion for science then join the Semester Study Abroad Programme today! Choose from a variety of bachelor and master’s courses, across a wide range of disciplines for international credit transfer.

  • MSc Physics

    Botswana International University Of Science And Technology

    • Palapye, Botswana



    Thesis Research in Physics

  • PhD Physics

    Botswana International University Of Science And Technology

    • Palapye, Botswana



    PhD Thesis Research in Physics

  • BSc Physics

    Botswana International University Of Science And Technology

    • Palapye, Botswana



    The programme supplies students with a theoretical, experimental and applied foundation in classical and modern physics, and understanding of which leads to useful technological applications in Energy, Health, Security, Telecommunications, Transport, Nutrition.