3 Degrees in Philosophy in Norway for 2024

Degrees in Philosophy in Norway for 2024Filter
  • Philosophy, Master's, 2 years

    University of Bergen

    • Bergenhus, Norway



    Philosophy is the study of what matters: What is knowledge, truth, morality and aesthetics? Through the master's program in philosophy, you will expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of central themes within philosophy, and you will gain better skills in scientific criticism. You also develop the skills you need for independent research.

  • Master of Philosophy in Religious Roots of Europe

    University of Oslo Faculty of Theology

    • 75, Norway



    This joint and international programme explores the traditions, formative processes and mutual interactions of the three most influential religions of European culture and history: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The programme is a cooperation between the four Nordic universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen, Lund and Oslo.

    • 75, Norway



    Religions are part of complex societies, facing other faiths and intersecting differences based on gender, class and culture. Historically, religion has been a source of conflict in oppressive systems, confrontational identity politics and gender discrimination.