2 Degrees in Philosophy in Mexico for 2024

Degrees in Philosophy in Mexico for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Philosophy

    Educational Atheneum of Integral Training (Ateneo Educativo de Formación Integral)

    • México, Mexico



    The philosophical stage in the academic formation of the students has had several immediate and immediate objectives. Regarding the proposed objectives to be achieved immediately and directly through philosophical studies, we can mention the following: 1.In the first place, it is intended to provide the student with sufficient theoretical tools so that he can analyze the main philosophical problems regarding Being, Man, and the World. 2.A second objective is that the student knows the contributions of the different philosophical currents linking them to the corresponding historical contexts, in order to have a sufficiently broad panorama of the solution proposals that have been given to the philosophical problems throughout history. Especially the student must know the currents of contemporary thought to become aware in a more grounded and reflective way of the complex problems of today's society. 3.The third immediate objective to be achieved in this stage is that the student can address philosophical problems taking into account the interrelation between philosophy and the different social sciences, given the necessarily interdisciplinary nature of contemporary thought.

  • History

    Educational Atheneum of Integral Training (Ateneo Educativo de Formación Integral)

    • México, Mexico



    All the subjects in this area are closely related because they mark not only the events that emerge in each era, but also make us see the growth processes and the variants that specialize the moments in history. The history of Philosophy makes us see how man's thinking is recorded in writing in books, but it is also nuanced in customs, in coexistence, and in all areas of human events, thus creating man's own cultures. Subjects History of ancient philosophy and its historical context i History of ancient philosophy and its historical context ii History of medieval philosophy and its historical context History of modern philosophy and its historical context History of contemporary philosophy and its historical context History of Ibero-American philosophy