3 Degrees in Philosophy in Colombia for 2024

Degrees in Philosophy in Colombia for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Arts and Philosophy

    Pontifical Bolivarian University

    • Medellín, Colombia

    Regarding its conception, the Bachelor's program in Philosophy and Letters understands its object of study and its membership as a field of knowledge that fosters interdisciplinary dialogue between the human sciences, thus evidencing a horizon of speculation where philosophy, Literature and pedagogy allow students to develop conditions for a critical and reflective exercise on the multiple human manifestations and the different ways of approaching them.

    • Bogotá, Colombia



    To train postgraduate students who want to deepen and investigate the object of study of the philosophy of law and legal theory, as a component of training excellence in the treatment of new currents of law, which seek to overcome the positivist perspective and account for legal realities, intimately linked with the reflection of the foundations of the normative processes of human action; Furthermore, it wants to account for the new currents of law linked to globalization processes.

  • PhD in Philosophy

    University of Antioquia

    • Medellín, Colombia


    Training purposes: To train in the production and development of philosophical reflection to researchers of the highest level with criteria of academic excellence, leaders for their community, committed to the needs and problems of Colombian society. This mission supposes the permanent construction of an academic space in which the necessary resources and support can be channelled that contribute to the strengthening of the scientific-philosophical community in our country.