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    • Prague, Czech Republic

    Full time, Part time

    4 years


    The graduate of Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures is a highly educated expert who is qualified for research in his/her field, i. e., in Germanic and Nordic linguistics or literature. He/she is ready for scholarly work and further growth in the academic area. He/she is able to manage language and literary problems where language skills and philological work are required, or where the theory and history of individual literature in all its linguistic and historical-cultural contexts are needed.

    • Vilnius, Lithuania

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master in Languages and Cultures of the Nordic and Baltic Sea Region is an umbrella programme that allows students to deepen their knowledge of the culture and language studied (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Latvian, Polish or German) as well as consistently broaden their specialisation to include a cross-cultural perspective. Several thematic courses are offered that target the socio-cultural developments of the community studied in the broader context of Eastern, Central and Northern Europe.

    • Online USA



    One Norwegian language course beyond FOL-N. For example, Norwegian 232: Intermediate Norwegian II (or above) or; advanced intermediate knowledge of a different Nordic language. At least two courses from departments other than the Norwegian Dept., Examples: NORST 264, PSYCH 232, HIST 211, HIST 222, PHIL 233 Note, many study abroad courses also meet this requirement. Up to three courses from study abroad programs At least two of the five courses must have a focus on at least one Nordic country other than Norway.