2 Degrees in Molecular Biology in Lithuania for 2024

Degrees in Molecular Biology in Lithuania for 2024Filter
  • Master in Molecular Biology

    Vilnius University

    • Vilnius, Lithuania

    Full time

    3 semesters



    The goal of this programme is to educate specialists for independent work in research and education areas of modern life sciences and technologies. Having completed the Molecular Biology programme, a graduate has deep knowledge of Molecular Biology and is able to analyze and evaluate scientific and practical data, generate and implement scientific novelties in areas of modern life sciences, and independently solve problems related to molecular biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine.

    • Kaunas, Lithuania

    Full time

    2 years



    The Molecular Biology and Biotechnology programme connects fundamental research with its applications and integrates genetics, gene technology, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, systems biology, biotechnology, and bioinformatics. The programme focuses to provide all the necessary knowledge needed to promote a broad range of expertise, erudition, and an intellectual sense of satisfaction during studies, practice, and work. During this program, you acquire in-depth knowledge and skills via theoretical and practical training.