5 Degrees in Molecular Biology in Canada for 2024

Degrees in Molecular Biology in Canada for 2024Filter
  • BSc in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    University of Northern British Columbia

    • 3333, Canada


    The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biology B.Sc. Program combines the rigour of chemistry with the fascination of living systems, and is therefore the traditional major for students with biomedical interests. Majors begin their studies with a broad set of courses in the natural sciences. In the second year, biochemistry is introduced, leading to third year explorations of DNA, the blueprint of life, proteins, the machines that make our bodies work, and a wide range of other molecular topics. 

  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

    University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

    • 3333, Canada



    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB) investigates how molecules work in living systems. There is no clear line dividing living from non-living systems; rather, there is a gradual increase in complexity from clearly inanimate molecules up to obviously complex organisms. The goal of biochemistry and molecular biology is to understand how simple, inanimate molecular interactions support life.

    • Edmonton, Canada

    Full time



    This program focuses on molecular structures and the processes of cellular life and their roles in the function, reproduction, and development of living organisms.

  • Master of Science - Biology

    Concordia University and John Molson School of Business

    • Montreal, Canada



    The MSc in Biology is a research-intensive science program with a strong emphasis on innovative thinking.

  • Doctorate in Biomolecular Sciences

    Laurentian University (Graduate)

    • 935, Canada



    Create big changes while working at a small scale. Study two broad areas of science including cell regulation and the structure and function of biomolecules.