2 Degrees in Migration Studies in Switzerland for 2024

Degrees in Migration Studies in Switzerland for 2024Filter
    • Geneva, Switzerland

    Full time, Part time

    14 months



    Announcing a New Master Program in Migration Climate Change & Environment, opening in Fall 2022. Migration and climate change are two of the most defining issues of our time. While people have always moved to adapt to a changing environment, our awareness and understanding of the environmental drivers of migration have grown significantly over the past few decades. The adverse impacts of climate change are increasingly leading to human mobility worldwide, with significant implications for policy-makers in government, NGO and humanitarian organizations, and even for international companies. The program will benefit from a wide network of international partners, in particular, United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, diplomatic missions, and a wide array of academic and research partners that work on human mobility and environmental issues.

    • Geneva, Switzerland

    Full time

    3 years



    Students are required to complete 42 credit hours within the department, including methods, a research requirement (fulfilled by taking the seminar, Bachelor thesis, or a designated upper-division course) and senior overview.