4 Degrees in Migration Studies in Italy for 2024

Degrees in Migration Studies in Italy for 2024Filter
    • Milan, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    This unique joint programme is co-developed within the framework of the 4EU+ European University Alliance by the University of Milan, the Charles University of Prague and the University of Warsaw. It is taught in English and aims to provide students with an understanding of social and political opportunities and challenges posed by global and intra-EU migration. It provides skills to interpret complex political and socio-economic phenomena in a critical way and appraise their normative, social, political and anthropological implications.

    • Padua, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    The two-year MA program in Mobility Studies at the University of Padua is driven by the assumption that the Humanities can play a crucial role in facing and understanding mobility in present society. This is something different than offering a focus uniquely on the circulation of people, objects, and ideas in given historical and geographical frameworks.

    • Florence, Italy



    Migration management remains one of the most divisive issues in the political agenda, both in the EU and internationally. In its 4th edition, this executive training aims at developing and strengthening skills that pertain to managing the entry and presence of foreigners within the borders of the state and the safeguarding of refugees and others in need of protection. This training will provide officers and practitioners working in the field with a holistic approach, looking at the issue of migration management from different perspectives and across different themes in order to share knowledge and upgrade key expertise.

    • Florence, Italy



    In many countries around the world, public discourse around migration is highly polarised. In this context, it becomes increasingly more difficult to discuss about this phenomenon without being accused of spreading fake news or provoking heated debates. As a result, there is growing uncertainty about what type of communication strategies are most effective in providing accurate information and changing popular attitudes towards migrants and people on the move.