1 Degrees in Mathematics in Argentina for 2024

Degrees in Mathematics in Argentina for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Teaching Mathematics for Secondary Education [CCC]

    Pedagogical University of the Province of Buenos Aires (Universidad Pedagógica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNIPE))

    • Buenos Aires, Argentina



    The graduate of the Bachelor of Mathematics Teaching for Secondary Education is a teacher who: In relation to the discipline, it includes mechanisms of mathematical production and is in a position to interrogate in depth the mathematical knowledge of reference for the themes of the High School curriculum. To study or plan teaching projects, identify and consider multiple didactic dimensions involved: the diversity of meanings for a concept, the function of representation, the role of social interactions, the relationship between problems-theory-techniques in the processes of production, the value of collective discussions, the complexity of incorporating the foundation as part of school mathematical work, among others. In the field of his class, he is able to design a teaching project on a certain topic with the explicit intention of supporting the mathematical production of his students, anticipating various possible scenarios in his classroom. In the implementation of your proposal, you can interpret productions of the students making hypotheses about the ideas on which they are based.