8 Master Degrees in León, Mexico for 2024

Master Degrees in León, Mexico for 2024Filter
  • Master of Business Administration

    Tecnológico de Monterrey - ITESM

    • Monterrey, Mexico
    • Buenavista, Mexico
    • + 33 more

    Full time, Part time

    5 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The organization and competitive management of companies are established as priority factors for the development of a country. To achieve this, it is essential to have visionary, innovative, humanistic and, at the same time, competitive managers who are capable of facing global challenges in changing, interdependent and complex business environments.

  • Master in Urban Design

    De La Salle Bajio University

    • Leon, Mexico



    Objective: To train professionals who manage and design interdisciplinary urban projects taking as a reference the social dynamics, politics, and the economy to improve the quality of public space.

    • Leon, Mexico



    Objective: To train professionals capable of applying operations management in product design, leading projects, and linking various areas of the organization, to enhance the productivity of the automotive industry.


    De La Salle Bajio University

    • Leon, Mexico



    Objective: To train professionals who lead organizations towards international business opportunities, considering the economic, financial, and legal context to integrate companies worldwide, with social responsibility.

  • Interinstitutional Postgraduate in Science and Technology

    Centre for Applied Innovation in Competitive Technologies (Centro de Innovación Aplicada en Tecnologías Competitivas)

    • Leon, Mexico



    General objective To train intellectual capital of a high scientific and technological level capable of generating, innovating, applying, and transmitting current, academically relevant, and socially relevant knowledge, which affects the development of the productive sector, in the substantive areas and disciplines of the participating CONACYT centers.

    • Leon, Mexico



    Research specialists with a panoramic view of the process carried out in High-Performance Sports training The Specialty Program will contribute to the implementation of various groups of professionals, national and foreign, both at the University of Soccer and Sports Sciences As in other universities, which we now know, they are participating in an important way in the development of research activity in various fields of physical culture and sport. This program focuses on the in-depth knowledge of the new training theory applied to team sports under the assumption that team sports - still enjoying great popularity and social acceptance - have traditionally been found in a position of relative inferiority with respect to individual sports. This is true when it comes to planning, systematizing, and putting your training strategies into action. This departure from the specific characteristics of team sports has been detrimental to the optimization of the performance of the players in the competition. Based on all this, the Specialty Program: Master in High Performance in Team Sports that we present, consists of specific modules related to the training of professionals in the search and construction of new and greater performances in this important area of ​​knowledge.

    • Leon, Mexico



    This Master's program has as one of its purposes the training and specialization in the use of processes, techniques, tools, and instruments of kinesiological and physiotherapeutic intervention focused on sport. For our country, it is a relatively new area, which makes it multi-technical. These techniques are found with the same object of study and are focused on deepening the connections, both beneficial and harmful, between participation in physical-sports activities and those aspects of human development associated with health and quality of life, culture, or the demanding improvement that sports physical training implies. The professional will learn to "observe", "feel" and "act" both preventively and therapeutically and with the greatest possible effectiveness. They will apply their knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to correctly treat sports injuries with physiotherapeutic, kinesic, and exercise techniques. The normal duration of the study plan is 2 years, during which 6 modules are studied, the value of which is 15 credits per module, making a total of 90 to obtain the degree of "Master in Physiotherapy and Sports Kinesiology".


    Universidad Del Futbol Del deporte

    • Leon, Mexico



    One of the main purposes of the master's program is to contribute to the formation of highly professional human resources capable of responding to the problems of sports nutrition. The academic proposal is based on three basic pillars, namely: A holistic view of the phenomena of sport. A multidisciplinary perspective in which sport is the unifying factor A plural approach in terms of methods, methodologies and ways of approaching the reality of sport The study plan comprises four semesters, nine subjects in the disciplinary line, four in the line of bioethics and research and three general, from where you can see the wide range of resources that have been developed from the discipline of nutrition applied to sport . The structure that has been adopted allows the development of research from the resources of each discipline and the full exercise of the construction and application of knowledge. The phases or moments in which the master's degree is structured comprise a total of 100 credits distributed in four semesters with 16 subjects.