2 Master Degrees in Finance in Guatemala for 2024

Master Degrees in Finance in Guatemala for 2024Filter
  • Master in Management of Banking Entities and Financial Institutions

    Escuela de Negocios Alto Nivel - Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala

    • Guatemala City, Guatemala

    Part time

    Distance Learning


    The growth of the financial and banking sector in Guatemala requires academic entities to provide the knowledge and tools for a solid legal and technical training in aspects related to the financial, banking and securities markets, both in investment activities and financing with a high component. of investigation that will allow to aspire to conclusions of high level of foundation.


    San Pablo of Guatemala University

    • Guatemala City, Guatemala



    The Master in Comprehensive Risk Management seeks to train professionals who respond to the institutionalization needs of concrete actions to prevent, reduce and mitigate the incidence of adverse events, of natural or anthropic origin, that affect vulnerable populations and limit the development process safe and sustainability of the Guatemalan nation. This program is based on four pillars that are: strategic planning, decision-making, democratic security, and emergency management.