2 Master Degrees in Economic Anthropology 2024

Master Degrees in Economic Anthropology 2024Filter
    • São Paulo, Brazil

    Part time

    3 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The Master in Behavioral Economics will provide a solid theoretical basis in Behavioral Economics, enabling participants to use the concepts and main tools in this field of research in companies, advertising agencies, banks, consulting, among others. The objective of this course is also to subsidize future managers, consultants and analysts in the trends underlying the psychological decisions made by customers, employees, competitors, and themselves, with an emphasis on how to incorporate these insights into business, marketing, leadership and strategies.

    • Toronto, Canada



    Anthropology is dedicated to documenting and understanding human beings. It takes as its starting proposition that we can only reach such an understanding by studying people wherever and whenever they have occurred and from both a cultural and biological perspective.