1 Degrees in Management in Guatemala for 2024

Degrees in Management in Guatemala for 2024Filter
    • Guatemala City, Guatemala



    The main purpose of the Master in Social Communication with a Specialization in Audiovisual and Multimedia Management is to strengthen and deepen the competencies in the areas of audiovisual and multimedia production of professionals in the various fields of communication. For this, it will be based on the fundamental changes that communication has undergone in recent times in terms of the collection, storage, and recovery of information, processing, production, and distribution, as well as the presentation, visualization, and access to it. The two-year program is designed for participants to master the production and content generation models and apply the knowledge acquired in the digital area to manage strategies and multimedia publications for various platforms. As part of the methodology, the Case Study has been considered, which will allow professionals to analyze and interpret relevant cases in national and international contexts that are applicable to the study areas.