2 Degrees in Management in Chile for 2024

Degrees in Management in Chile for 2024Filter
    • Huechuraba, Chile



    The Master presents a professional program in an E-learning version, consisting of a curricular structure that improves skills in strategic management in a dynamic and multicultural environment. Through the transmission of professional knowledge from teaching staff with business and academic experience, both nationally and internationally, will allow increasing individual skills and knowledge. The methodology, based on group dynamics applied in international companies, will allow to reinforce learning and increase managerial skills with adaptation to group work. Its specialized teaching staff will help you to acquire a competitive international professional profile, with quality balanced training that has a positive impact on society.

    • La Serena, Chile



    At the dawn of the 21st century, when our world faces profound political, economic, social, and cultural transformations, learning and the formation of advanced human capital becomes essential to be able to cope with an increasingly competitive and complex public and private sphere. As a program, we seek to increase their capacities to detect market opportunities, design competitive strategies, generate offers that add value to organizations, in addition to optimizing their communication and strategic skills, generating comprehensive training whose goal is to achieve effective interaction between organizations and their environments. In this program, the magistrates will be able to develop all the skills and competencies that a 21st century professional needs, specifically managerial and analytical skills, leadership with a global approach, execution of strategies that generate value and competitiveness, and strengthen their ethical commitment focused on the human being and its territory. We are still living in an era with a pandemic that is leaving us with great challenges, one of them is the adaptability to virtual teaching that as a program has allowed us to maintain the normal development of our Master's degree, hoping that in a while we can resume our presence.