3 Degrees in Management Science in Italy for 2024

Degrees in Management Science in Italy for 2024Filter
    • Milan, Italy

    Full time

    1 year


    English, Italian

    A forward-looking and industry-based master's course preparing you for communication-related roles within the fashion industry worldwide. A multidisciplinary curriculum combines essential knowledge of the sector with specialist and technical skills in fashion journalism, advertising, PR, event management, fashion image production and more through a study path comprising lectures, project work provided by real fashion companies, hands-on workshops, seminars with visiting experts, field trips, and other experience-based activities. Push your boundaries, your creativity, and your skills in this dynamic, one-of-a-kind master's which will give you a huge competitive advantage in the ever-evolving fashion and luxury job market.

    • Turin, Italy

    Full time

    3 years



    The Degree in Business and Management is part of the international initiative of the School of Management and Economics, which is now recognized in many international scientific agreements and exchange programs for students and academics from foreign universities.

    • Trieste, Italy

    Full time

    3 years



    Economics studies the trade of limited resources among people. This activity involves institutions - businesses - that together with people constitute the economic system on which our society is based. Firms and people act within the boundaries of rules, the legal system that ensures the orderly development of communities from which they originate.