3 MA Degrees in Fashion Design in France for 2024

MA Degrees in Fashion Design in France for 2024Filter
    • Paris, France

    Full time

    15 months



    Our Master of Arts in Contemporary Fashion Design was specifically designed to address these changes and is aimed at Fashion Design graduates who want to go beyond product design and development.

    • Toulouse, France

    Full time

    4 years


    English, French

    At the end of the course, young designers will have acquired the skills required to work in both French and overseas fashion companies and, where this is their ultimate aim, to create their own fashion label.

    • Toulouse, France

    Full time

    2 years


    English, French

    This 2-year graduate course prepares for management and sales event functions within the fashion industry business. In order to fully experience and understand the academic teaching, each student complete 2 work placements during the length of the course, each taking place during the academic year and lasting between 10 to 12 weeks.