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1 Intellectual Property Law program found


  • LLM
  • USA
  • Law Studies
  • Business Law Studies
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Part time
Fields of study
  • Law Studies (1)
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    1 Intellectual Property Law program found

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    Part time LLM Degrees in Law Studies Business Law Studies Intellectual Property Law

    Washington state is one of the most progressive and advanced states in the country. It is home to many universities that provide some of the best trainings in nearly every possible major.

    What is intellectual property law?

    Intellectual Property Law is the area of law that deals with the protection of creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols and names used in commerce. These creations are called "intellectual property" because they are products of the intellect. Intellectual property law includes copyright law in that it protects creative endeavors; however, intellectual property law extends beyond the audio and visual expression protected under copyright to include expressions of ideas.

    What careers are available to intellectual property law students?

    Intellectual property law is a specialized area of law that offers many opportunities for practice. Lawyers specializing in intellectual property law may work in private practice, for a government agency, or for a large corporation. Some typical job titles include patent attorney, trademark lawyer, and copyright lawyer.

    Why studying intellectual property law is important?

    Intellectual property law is important because it helps to protect the creations of the mind. This area of law gives people the legal right to control how their intellectual property is used, and it can help to prevent others from unlawfully using or taking credit for someone's work.

    What will I study during my intellectual property law degree?

    What will I study during my intellectual property law degree?

    During an intellectual property law degree, you will learn about the different types of intellectual property, how to protect each type, and how to resolve disputes related to intellectual property usage or ownership. You will also learn about the law of copyright, patent law, and trademark law. In addition, you will gain skills in research, writing, and oral advocacy.

    Education in the United States is mainly provided by the public sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: state, local, and federal, in that order. The common requirements to study at a higher education level in United States will include your admissions essay (also known as the statement of purpose or personal statement), transcript of records, recommendation/reference letters, language tests

    LLM is Latin for legum magister, signifying Master of Laws. LLMs are advanced professional degrees typically completed by individuals who already hold an undergraduate degree in Law or a related subject.

    Part time learning allows one to obtain part-time degrees even if one cannot attend school on a full-time basis. One can learn at his or own pace, gradually accumulating credits which count towards final qualification.