1 Commercial Law program found
- Germany
- Law Studies
- Business Law Studies
- Commercial Law
- Distance Learning
1 Commercial Law program found
Popular Law Studies Business Law Studies Commercial Law degree types
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Distance Learning LLB Degrees in Law Studies Business Law Studies Commercial Law
Saxony-Anhalt is one of the several landlocked states in Germany. Its capital is Magdeburg and plays home to more than 2.2 million inhabitants. It has some institutions of higher learning offering an array of programs.
What is commercial law?
Commercial law is the field of law concerned with commerce and business activities. The topics covered in commercial law include contracts, agency law, international trade law, corporations law, United States patent law, securities law, mergers & acquisitions law, and bankruptcy law.
What are the benefits of studying commercial law as a law student?
Studying commercial law provides students with an in-depth knowledge of the law and its relation to commerce. This degree prepares law students for law careers that involve a range of business activities, including dealing with businesses or consumers directly, working in a legal department at a company, or working for a law firm that represents corporations.
How to study commercial law as a law student?
Commercial law is usually offered as a specialization to law students at the graduate level. Commerical law may also be part of the curriculum in business and marketing programs. Law students can pursue additional experience in commercial law by completing law clinics or clerkships with experienced commercial law professionals.
How to use a commercial law degree in a law career.
A commercial law degree can be used in a law career to help individuals, corporations, or organizations with commercial law-related issues. Commercial law students are typically well-versed in corporate law, securities law, mergers & acquisitions law, and bankruptcy law, and are able to apply this knowledge to assist corporate clients, broker agreements, and structure commercial activities in ways that are legal and beneficial.
Germany is a great destination for international scholars and has a high quality higher education system. The value of this level of education has been improved by the Germany's strong economy. Foreign students enjoy excellent living standards in a secure and safe surroundings. Berlin is the capital.
After an individual’s undergraduate education has been completed, he or she will need to pursue an LLB in order to actually practice in the field of law. This program typically takes three to four years to complete.
Online learning refers to use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. With online learning one has the flexibility to access their studies at any time and from anywhere they can log on.