2 Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Cyprus for 2024

Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Cyprus for 2024Filter
    • Nicosia, Cyprus

    Full time

    18 months

    Distance Learning, On-Campus

    The Master of Arts program in ‘Technologies of Learning and Communication’ is geared to prepare educators and administrators in the field to acquire expert knowledge and training in new technologies in Learning and Communication. It seeks to nurture the skills and in depth understanding of this fast changing field to allow candidates to explore and implement contemporary learning methods, tools and contexts and promote the utilization of new technologies in teaching and learning.

    • Nicosia, Cyprus

    Full time, Part time

    4 years

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    The BBA in Marketing Communications and Social Media combines the theory and practice of Marketing with an understanding of the role of Communication in promoting business interests in a new-media environment. Students gain a foundation in the principles of consumer behavior, how markets for products and services are formed and change, and organizational responses to customer needs and preferences. The program aims to develop the rich mix of abilities required of effective Marketing executives, including analytical and data management skills, and advanced Communication skills of digital marketing strategy and the management of social media and online communities.