2 Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Argentina for 2024

Distance Learning Degrees in Journalism and Mass Communication in Argentina for 2024Filter
    • Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Distance Learning


    The ubiquity in the world of food journalism demands objectivity and style. The recent trend of blogs and specialized publications to promote and document a competitive and innovative industry requires a documentary filmmaker profile that goes beyond the everyday reporter or correspondent. Unit 1: Gastronomic journalism The science and art of cooking History and its culinary protagonists The profession of the gourmet: techniques and skills The culinary narrative: profile of the gastronomic journalist The style and ability of Savoir vivre The essential literature of regional gastronomy The difference between technique and art when writing about gastronomy

  • A degree in Journalism

    University of the East (Universidad del Este (UDE))

    • La Plata, Argentina

    Distance Learning


    Career objectives Offer a training of professionals who are capable of investigating, analyzing and making known the facts of public interest, based on the needs of people and organizations in a democratic society, in the sense that those events, social and cultural processes, economic and political, end up having an impact on the personal and collective life of a community. Promote the development of skills that allow them to perform as specialists in topics related to the media and social communication techniques.